Male night elf faces

I see art like this and zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ

it’s boring an as inspired as the various Star Trek series who think adding a different bridge to your nose makes a new race.

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Not sure which option I chose, but it’s not a scowl. This looks like my grandpa.

Less constipated look ftw.

This thread is a mess. Just let people be happy about anything for once without throwing a fit. Make your own threads.

They’re literally giving nelf male players THREE FACES and fixing some old ones. These responses are ridiculous. Nelf males are always made a mockery of because “teehee funny elf flipp he ugly”. Just. Let people have things. Alliance needs all the help it can get.


help with what? you guys have all the RPers, way better city(even garrison), goldshire. if youre not in an active guild that does events and stuff on horde RP is dead

All alliance players moved to moon guard, went horde, or went to pve realms. So. It cost the entire community of WRA ally. Wyrmrest is dead essentially on both sides. But as a primarily PVE player who dabbles in PVP, there’s hardly any alliance lol.

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Male nelfs definitely need some new faces, not just this :laughing:


They are still scowling.


Yeah…rather underwhelmed. The second face looks okay…but…would it kill them to give night elf male players ONE young, handsome face? Dare one even hope for a smiling one?


They look like all the other scowls to me. could we maybe get something other and a scowl for my nelf boys. Maybe an additional younger looking face they only have one youthful face to pick from. They all look like constipated Clint Eastwood.


Well don’t I feel foolish for expecting the faces to look good. They’re an improvement on the scowling faces, but still ugly. Why can’t male night elves have handsome and younger faces? Why do all the males have so few handsome or young options?


I may try a couple of those on some of my clean shaven night elves, who all have the same face right now. Removing the scowl does make a noticeable difference :slight_smile:

The non-scowling male night elf faces (in general) are still frowning when I’d prefer a more neutral expression. I’d like to see some younger-looking male night elf faces in the future as well.


this, hate that tiara, love the hairstyle.

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I had hope for a young face, and no, all 3 new faces are old faces, ugly, and grumpy…the only young face it’s the face number 1. how is it possible? their female version is pretty and young and they are grumpy and old… I don’t understand the logic behind this. and don’t let me start with the stupid armed stand animation when in combat.


I don’t think they look better. How about less scowly resting face and a normal less grumpy face.

Blizzard, imagine a face where a nelf made a new friend, use that as a guide. Or a nelf found a herb node and there were no multiboxers swarming it. A face like that, happy, carefree.


I don’t know WHY it’s such a hard concept for them to grasp…to have some male faces that aren’t old or ugly. For anyone who can display pictures, this is all official art of night elf men, and none of them are ugly or old. Just give players access to a few faces that look like this.

https ://



Thanks Fen <3

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