Maldraxxus Warriors?

I was necrolord since the beginning, but after necrotic M+ and starting to do rated BG’s its just so bad compared to all the others.

I went from 29 renown with necrords yesterday to 4 renown with the kyrian today.

I still have all my covenant gear for that sweet sweet transmog

Huh when I went there I found an alliance raid and had to turn wm off lol.

Joined an RBG today. Was asked what covenant I was then removed from the group. Dumb. Balancing the covenants would be great so we aren’t forced to switch 30 renowns in to not get auto kicked from groups.

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What BG? I gotta think that the banner would be decent for defending base flags in places like AB or Deepwind Gorge. It might be good in Kotmogu. Increasing the area of effect would be nice. But it’s not like night fae can pick up their glitterglue.

Don’t get me wrong, night fae is what I like. Korayn has all kinds of neat mobility themed conduit stuff. The sparkles on the ground and the soulform both work really well with the warrior’s BG toolkit. I prefer venthyr and necrolord for the transmogs and banner needs a buff but it’s not broken.

You aren’t forced to switch though. You can switch and I think you can switch back without penalty if they buff it.

You might get kicked from a group but that’s not an issue of covenant balance. That’s an issue of the way group making works for PUGs in pvp and pve. I don’t know how to make it better, but you definitely have two completely different populations trying to use the same tool to build a group. That tool sucks.

I ran Necro for a couple weeks at the beginning. Loved the theme, the quest line, all of it. Just felt like a perfect fit for Warrior… Soldier in the army of the dead. Duh. It wrote itself.

Then… trying to progress through M+ and it was crippling.

I finally gave in and switched to Kyrian a while ago… Made a huge difference.

It was a group they hadn’t started any matches yet. Someone asked me which covenant I am and I knew it was gonna happen. I replied Necrolord and was instantly removed from group.

Blizzard can say you shouldn’t pick covenants based on numbers on a graph but some players are going to require you to be a certain covenant to play with them in certain content.

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For real that sucks. The pug community is poop that way. I understand that even a pug leader is justified in trying to optimize the group, or in the words of some members of the community, “not gimping the group by taking a suboptimal spec” but in most cases, the differences on paper are very minimal, and the actual differences tend to be much smaller or even non-existent, when you take into account that they are willing to take a player who doesn’t parse nearly well enough, just because they are of the “optimal” build.

Im back boys!!!

Looks like our wishes came true!!!

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I’ve been running necro for about 2 months now and mainly do arena with it on fury. I like it quite a bit, the banner increases your dmg when enraged by a crap ton, like 20% mastery along with 15% str which means the burst is really good with recklessness + blade storm + rampage right after.

The bubble helps with much needed survivability as a fury.

The banner also increases my unh dk buddy by around 20% as well with mastery increasing his pet dmg and unholy dmg.