Malcvii - locate games option missing

Just happened to me now. No option to “locate folder” either.

Hey there!

The “Locate Games” option will normally be just under, or to the right of, the button for “Install” and will not be present if the button says Play, Scan, or Update instead. The app should automatically locate the games if they are installed in the default location (C:\Programs x86) but will need to be manually specified if a custom installation was used.

We can also change the “default” folder the app auto scans by clicking the icon in the top left, then settings, then downloads. It will be listed as “Default Install Directory” and to the right will be a button that says Change. Then just under it there is a Scan for Games button!

If neither option is working, it’s recommended to reinstall the application.

Hope the info helps! Let us know how things go!

There was no locate games option, only “install”. There was no “scan for games” button either. There was only an install location option, a check box for adding a desktop icon, and the install button. Every other part of the app showed either solid blue or a World of Warcraft graphic design on the left. I clicked all around the app thinking I may be missing something, they just weren’t there.

I reinstalled the app multiple times, and it was always the same. I run the game from an external drive, I don’t know if that affects it. I did set the install location to where the game already was on my external drive and it didn’t change anything.

I didn’t want to reinstall the client so I kept trying for a few hours. Eventually I just clicked “Install” and it gave me an installation progress bar, then after a few minutes reloaded the app. When the app reloaded the game was there and no update was needed.

What’s with the odd trend of putting your character name in the title of the subject?

Some do that so they can easily find the thread again to see if there was an answer that worked for them.

The “thread” was a comment that Blizzard pulled out and made its own thread. I didn’t name it. I’d be willing to guess most threads with character names are made by Blizz moderators.

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Interesting, thanks for the info.