Maladath Server needs RDF

mine isnt hidden either.


The irony when he hides on low level alts.

Is it possible to add RDF to a single server?

If they add RDF to a server it should be a fresh start server since that would be free from

We could see how RDF looks in a vacuum.

Maybe RDF just doesn’t work on established servers. There were no fresh in OG Wrath.

If they add RDF to a fresh server everyone who wants RDF will go there.

That will just make server issues worse there.

I like DPS and benefit from RDF so I know I would re roll there.

If you want to depopulate older servers I guess that might work though :man_shrugging:

Which may well be inline with Retail design decisions, but not inline with what the devs plan for Classic.

What I have done in the past, during WoW Classic and TBC Classic has been to find or create Dungeon Leveling guilds.

If you’re actively leveling, on during regular hours, advertising your guild and dungeon runs, and regularly inviting people, you should be able to form a nice community within a few days…

Keep in mind that they wanted to settle this topic before launch: