[Mal’Ganis] <Kismet> 8/8M MULTI-CE 2 day! Tue/Thur 8pm-11pm EST LF DPS!

8 down 2 more to go. Let’s get CE!

RDPS is what we are looking for!

Still want RDPS to add to our roster.

Still in need of RDPS to round out our roster.

We are on our way to CE. Could use some more RDPS to round out the team

Were working on Sire, come get CE with us!

Join us! Lets get this sire kill!

Good Prog on Sire down to 13% come on join us!

225 mage, if you are still looking for a one.

UPDATE: Last week we achieved Cutting Edge in Castle Nathria. We are also no longer looking for Mages or Warlocks.
High priority on ranged:
Shadow Priest

Melee (1 spot):
Demon Hunter
Warrior (ability to play prot is a major plus)

New raid new you, let’s go!

Looking for a mage and some more ranged dps to round out our roster! We are 2/10 Mythic!

More ranged is what we need. Let make is happen!

232 BM LF stable heroic team =]

Any… Mage?

Looking for some more solid players to round out our roster!

Where do I sign up? :o

Remnant ded! We are 4/10! Looking for a WW Monk and a Healer!!

We are looking for another healer, a WW monk and a Unholy DK!

Soulrender down looking for another heals and exceptional dps.