[Mal’Ganis] <Kismet> 8/8M MULTI-CE 2 day! Tue/Thur 8pm-11pm EST LF DPS!

Still looking for a Disc Priest and ranged dps.

Sludgefist dies soon! 8% wipe!

Still looking for applicants.

Open to lots of classes!

Le GASP :open_mouth:

Still looking for more! Fill out the APP lets have a chat

All ready did </3

Warlocks welcome, PI is waiting for ya to PAAAAAAAAAAMP

Still looking, let us be friends and kill bosses

222 Prot warrior 10/10H interested in joining to raid mythic.

Lots of previous mythic experience in older expansions.


We have immediate raid spots open to ranged dps!

Warlocks welcome, PI is waiting for ya to PAAAAAAAAAAMP

Fun times await!

New friends please apply

Will provide PI to Aff-locks!

Do you let players know if they don’t make the cut?? D:

Still looking for ranged dps!

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Range dps! 221 BM Hunter =3

Still looking for more friends!

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Still looking for more ranged dps to round out our roster!