In light of the recent Blue Post regarding the removal of certain portals, I wanted to discuss something that’s been bothering me and many others since the beginning of BFA.
This is what the blue post stated:
Originally posted by Blizzard (View Original)[Collapse](javascript:
I understand that changes can throw people off a bit at first, but I also think they help keep the world of Azeroth feeling alive. When there are fewer portals, does the world feel a bit bigger to you? Do you like that? How difficult is it to get to the locations you mentioned without a direct portal (talking to everybody who isn’t a mage here ) ?
So, this begs the question, why doesn’t the world feel bigger? And the real answer is that Blizzard chose to confine most of the action to the two new islands.
This expansion is supposed to be a giant all out war between the Horde and the Alliance, but everything happens in the new zones. Not only does this not make the world feel small but it does not feel like a war between the factions. It just feels like we’re skirmishing over two islands.
And there is one simple solution that is already a feature of the expansion that would have been a simple and total fix. Incursions should not be fought in the new zones. Incursions should be fought in the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.
Both sides have lost a foothold on a continent. Doesn’t it make sense that the Alliance would want to take the next step and sack Silvermoon? DOesn’t it make sense that the Horde would want a new foothold in Eastern Kingdoms? So, why not set incursions in Eversong Woods or the Ghostlands as the Allaince push to Silvermoon? Now that Undercity has fallen, wouldn’t the Gilneans want to secure Silverpine Forest and Hillsbrad? Wouldn’t the Alliance want to re-establish Theramore? Or cut Orgrimmar off from Thunderbluff by trying to take the Barrens.
Making these zones relevant again with Incursions would definitely make the world feel bigger, the same way it did in the pre-Legion invasion events. It would have made the irrelevant, relevant again. It would have made it feel like an actual war was occurring. It would be more impactful having the zones where we leveled and have nostalgia for be threatened by the enemy.
Yes, Warfronts sort of address this, but not in any impactful way. Once every few weeks you go into a scenario that is set in an old zone for a few minutes, get your gear and then you’re done. Now after the Warfront is over and you have a few days to do quests in that zone, what does Blizz do?
THEY GIVE YOU A PORTAL TO THE ZONE. Which is the exact opposite thing they should do if they want the world to feel bigger!!!
THE REAL ISSUE is this: every expansion releases a new set of zones and the way Blizzard seems to develop the expansion is that they focus everything on the new areas. They even force you to explore everything about the new zones by gating flying behind Pathfinder (which is fine in my opinion).
But, if they want the world to feel expansive, then they need to develop expansions in a manner that includes developing aspects that still involve old zones in conjunction with new zones.
((As far as the portal removal, I agree with Blizz. I’m fine with it. In fact I think all portals should be removed except the teleporter to Argus. I think only mages should have portals. But that is another post))