I’ve never made any friends in retail WoW, despite trying a few times, but i’ve made a lot in Classic pretty easily. it’s definitely a retail issue-you really have no reason to talk and a decent amount of players are mean or just antisocial
They are different. It’s been a while since I played, but I found them very welcoming. It certainly wasn’t me making more of an effort, quite the contrary. I had to make the effort to reciprocate after years of avoidance and defensiveness due to the venomous nature of the WoW player base.
I’ve given up on WoW. It’s full of angry, abusive, juveniles regardless of their real age.
Oh please the forums and maybe elite streamers are where the wow toxicity is. In game people are just as chill as in ffxiv. Sure there is less overbedaring moderation so sometimes people say inappropriate stuff you wouldnt see elsewhere but its all the same.
You all act like its a totally different group of people. I would say 75% of FFXIV players also play wow and probably other mmorpgs from time to time.
The exact number of die hard, lets act like a game is a religion only one allowed, type people has got to be in the vast minority. I actually cant understand how people like this exist…like you only play one mmo ever and never want to play any other wtf is wrong with you.
The only difference between here and there is moderation, and a community that isnt in a huge fight with the developers.
I’ve done a wide variety of content over the years and it ranges from bad to worse.
PvP is the worst, raiding gets worse the higher the level and dungeons are hit and miss, with the best senario being nobody talks. Guilds die, so called friends and guildies are often users, anyone who seems reasonable turns out to have underlying mental issues or quits the game.
Login after reset and run to vault- don’t interact with anyone between oribos portal and vault
Hearth to dalaran to take SW portal and go to Boralus to check bmah - don’t speak with the other people at the bmah
Go back to covenant hub to pick up calling or weeklies that i won’t do
Friend logs on and invites me to group and we queue arenas - get no hate whispers
Log on 4 alts to clear ahune quickly for chance at illusion - no one in group says anything
Other friend invites to random bgs - play 4 games, 2 wins 2 losses, no one is upset about the losses and people are happy about the wins
Go back to boralus to clear lfr uldir
I think maybe you are looking for meteors and running under them though. I mean, you are literally here talking about how bad the community is… with the community. You aren’t trying to avoid it at all.
You don’t get it at all. There’s moderation here, so if you want to use the kind of language that’s so common in the game, you’ll get banned, unlike in the game.
Pretty much this. It depends on the server and what game you play. I’ve been on a mid-small sized server through BFA and Shadowlands and have mostly interacted with my guild. It’s active enough to always have some people on doing something and if they’re not, we just send a message to each other on discord “wanna tank a 15 Mists?” since we all have each other on friends lists.
The game is structured around raid, M+ and PvP unfortunately that you need to only really communicate to others for high end content in each of the 3. Outside of that, you can mostly play the game solo and most content is soloable. There is no incentive for people to communicate or build any form of friendship with each other as you are likely never to see that person again unless you go through the effort of adding each other on friends list.
I think it’s just you. I have yet to speak to a single other player or even have to play with anyone else in FF14. I don’t know why people keep saying it’s this great community and MMO. It’s been a single player RPG for me.
In WoW, in the past week I’ve made a new arena friend, and 3 new RP/PVE friends.
The thing is, if you do group up with someone to level, you’ll eventually have to disband and then rejoin again just to do a job quest or main story. Most of the multiplayer stuff is via dungeons, raids, and trails. And you do those things, like in retail WoW, via party finder.
The only thing to do together in a group, in the open world, are fates. Fates don’t give you much XP until ShadowBringer, so they’re not optimal for leveling.
My friend and I spent most of our time leveling at our own time, then partying up to do dungeons or trails. Maybe, do the daily roulettes together.