Making boost and mount a "mandatory" package, bad idea?

I have barely any more trust or good will for their abilitiy to create a game that caters to their audience, but i am absolutely certain that they spent major time and effort into figuring out the monetization that will rake in the most money. They have certainly consulted a lot of their data and a whole lot of spread sheets to make sure the profit is as high as possible.
What might seem harsh to the average player is probably the most profitable scheme.

I’m not sure what people expect by stating this. Welcome to the modern world?

Sucks that money drives everything, but you’ll get used to it eventually when you become an adult and venture out into the world. The dollar is our god, capitalism is our religion, etc…

As long as they don’t give me pay walls to progress my character, I don’t care. I’m not expecting them to suddenly become this philanthropic organization that only makes enough money to keep servers running and people paid.

Like I said, if I wanted to make a moral stance about anything, it would be how little they apparently value their employees, the ones who make all of these things for us to complain about. The last thing that’d drive me away would be a shop full of optional cosmetics and services.

But, if you don’t like it, don’t pay into it. Just, don’t expect everyone else to side with you. I’m here to play a game I enjoy playing, nothing more.

For profit company does things in the interest of making money

More on this breaking story at 11


Activision is basically the new EA at this point, are you surprised here?

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Oh look, the victim complex has arrived.

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I’m buying an expensive boost and getting a mount for free. Seems good to me.

Company trades long term loyalty for short term gain.

How? Buy it or don’t.


It’s not as obligatory as you might think. Even if you start now and go hard you can have a mount and be ready for classic.

Is having a mount in TBC more significant than retail? Yes and that’s ok too.

Yes they are doing this and yes it is a part of behaviour conditioning in that people will be inclined to take the path of least resistance in a journey to enjoyment so it is expected many people will go with it.

It’s not inherently evil, as there are more than adequate ways to get mounts without it being a 4-5 month grind.

IIRC, in 7 days when the pre-patch launches, you get a mount at level 30 and it costs a total of 35 gold for training and the mount itself.

Super obtainable.

Also EXP is being squished. We’re getting the quality of life stuff from the very last TBC patch up front.

People like the OP just like to complain about the company making money. IDK why these people exist, but they do.


Ohh wasn’t even ware they’re using a latter TBC patch. Shadow priest as lovely mana batteries ohh yeahhh.

Who feels “loyalty” toward a video game company? That’s weird. Buy their products or don’t.


I would define “corporate greed” as actions that milk some customers for more money while turning off others.

All the times we read about player “having to” play more for no more rewards people are ignoring that fact that there are those who are turned off, become bored, or stop playing entirely. It’s definitely a trade-off, and it appears they are going to push it to the limit.

How do I feel about the money grab that’s going on in BC? I won’t be paying cash to clone my character, and I won’t be spending months leveling a new character, so I guess I won’t be playing.

There are people who will spend the $70 just for the retail mount. They will never play TBC.

I’m less offended by the package itself and more offended that it’s not a dual ground/flying mount.

Warpstalkers are awesome but for that price I need a mount that can be used in the air, too.

In BC we’ll probably see them for 5 minutes before the old, low rez Netherwings take over again due to sheer functionality.

They’re aren’t more people in Classic than retail…they just know that nostalgia nuts are stupid enough to pay whatever on what they’ve already paid for over 10 plus years ago in an effort to get back what they will never attain.

…this is where the genius of Kotick lies. He knows how to make money and he knows gamers will part with it easily for the smallest little shiny thing.

Thats what players says, but blizzard would not had added a moubt if they were sure people would not be buying it

I’m aware and I’m sure Blizzard is too. Which is crazy to me because it’s a hideous mount in the first place.

I thought I could just play TBCC without buying anything?

It’s just common business sense. Classic was successful. The Burning Crusade will be successful, but with the same potential for new players to join as well.

Place an incentive for players to get into the content right away.

It’s like you people have never seen commercials before.