Making All Achievements Account Wide

Two things here in this subject:

I would love account wide reputations and their achievements due to things like the Crusader title, which prevents me from actually faction changing my Paladin.

I would love account wide titles, all of them, of course not specific rated PvP rewards but the PvP titles would be great available overall.


Blizzard has been clear that anything that increases character power won’t be account wide. So you want to play the FOMO and want various stuff unlocked on the new character. It won’t be fair to those who have been loyal to the class from the beginning.

I’ve been playing this game for 10+ years. I know. Every vendor thats opened via an achievement is cosmetics related. There are no vendors tied to character power that open up via an achievement. Everything you’re saying I’m aware of and nothing you’re saying is an “Aha I didnt know that” moment to me. I know all this. I’ve offered to help you understand how the game works and how certain systems works but you’ve yet to respond to me via DM. I’m trying to spare myself the frustration of having to repeat myself lol


Eh, pardon me? This reply makes no sense at all. “Loyal to the class”? “FOMO”? The person is literally asking for the availability of something they have earned already? There is no power in there.

Some wants the ability to be completely disconnected from previous earnings, but are unable to (Should be a possibility). Some wants the ability to be completely connected to previous rewards, but are also unable to (Which should also be a possibility).


The achievement points earned on one character are already available to all the other characters on the same account. It doesn’t make sense for all achievements to show as earned by each character.
For example Level 70 achievement. How can a character level 10 show as earned this achievement?
I can give other examples. But let you or the OP give us (an) example(s) of achievement(s) that when earned by one character should show as earned by each character on the account.

Quite simple?

But we aren’t talking about achievements points being available? We’re talking about the achievements? Not all achievement rewards are available, and some as so heavily character locked that they’ll go missing is something happens.

I gave example of where account wide achievements would help, with things like the Argent Tournament, if I move my Horde main to the Alliance, he loses EVERYTHING from the Tournmanet because changing faction resets the city achievements, race champion achievements, and completion achievements, making them BoA means that they wouldn’t have to reset.

Does it matter to you that a lvl 10 ALT can show that his lvl 70 MAIN has completed content? I mean, we already have a function to display character only achievement points, but we’re talking achievements and what the contain, as some holds more than just points after all? There is no power in this at all unless you’re one of those who tries to counter cosmetics as “power” too?

Account wide achievements would go hand in hand with another fan favorite wish, account wide reputations, my only demand on those would be that they should only account as account wide once they are completed.


I find this subject so weird, opposing the ability to show off what you have done, just like I find it weird of people opposing the ability to stand out as a completely fresh character.


I’ve had some time to breath and rethink how I explain this in a way that it doesn’t make it sound like it’s a personal want. So -

Achievement’s are a means to display that you’ve done something and know how it works if its a content based achievement. Mostly end of expansion Heroic farm runs require you; for some unwritten reason, to link that you’ve achieved “Ahead of the Curve” before they will allow you into their group.

Using my earlier example of the “Not in My House” achievement, when I link that achievement from Ravij in game it will say that my character “Ravij” earned it to anyone who clicks the link. But in fact it was an alt that earned this achievement. Ravij has never completed this achievement before as seen here when I mouse over the points part of the achievement.

Why then am I not being credited for these points if I can link it and it says I’ve complete it on Ravij when I haven’t? This is what I mean by asking for achievements to be truly made account wide. If one character earns it, they all should. The achievement UI is filled with sub UI’s that it shouldn’t need such as mousing over the “points part” to see which character earned the achieve.

To answer the question of why should a lvl 10 have the lvl 70 achieve? Simple. WoW is built on the fact that a lot of players expect you to know everything before you step into any form of content. A person playing a low level alt and interjecting into a conversation they may find in shout chat (as many of us often do) will get bullied based on the “compare achieves” that many higher level “elite” players tend to do to silence people they think have no idea what they are talking about. “Compare Achieves” Only lists what that character you’re on has achieved (I believe this is the way it still works.). Making achievements truly account wide is a a benefit that will end this form of “comparison” harassment.

I’d like to also add that there are achievements you earn based on how many times you have done X amount of thing. Many PvP achievements are like this such as “Win 100 Warsong Gulch Matches” or for PvE “Pop 1,000 Tumors in N’zoth Assault Areas” These achievements are already tedious in themselves for some and I know a few who would want the achievement total to be counted across every character. Say you’re at 50 wins in Warsong Gulch, but your character is no longer meta in BG’s or you want to PvP on a different character. To earn 100 wins achievement you have to start from ground zero on that alt. It is also the same for continued achievements. Say you completed the 100 wins achievement and are now on the next tier of that achievement that wants you to get 1,000 wins. IF you start on an alt, you have to start from scratch aka get the 100 wins before you can work on the 1,000 wins. This has to be done with every alt and just like the 100 wins achieve the win count is not carried between your characters.

Creating account wide achievements for scenarios like that encourages people to play their alts instead of forcing them to play one character for what seems like all eternity.


I know it’s been 6 days but my latest post has the answer you’re looking for.


Bringing this back because with the new Researcher’s Under Fire Achievement Meta, account wide achievements for the “Do 50/Do 100” would be a nice fix because the only way some of these achievements are possible is if these specific “collect” achieves are account wide.

You’re asking us to do the event 50-100 times on a single character just to see completion because tons of people are doing it at the same time, and this event will likely become obsolete after the next patch. Not to mention you need an entire RAID group to even complete this event 12/12 and to see some of the tasks required for the achieves because of the obscene time limit on some of the tasks that can’t be done in small groups.


Huge agree on this. I wasn’t on the council when this was originally posted, but as a collector myself this is single-handedly one of the most frustrating parts about earning achievements. Love the idea of having a main, but it is outdated to have character-specific achievements that are worth achievement points.

Feats of Strength achievements deserve to be character specific as they have no points associated. It makes zero sense to open up my achievements tab and show 35k+ points but then open the guild tab and be 4th or 5th(or let alone some other site) and only be credited 80% of these. Hard agree with Ravij here.


Patch 10.1.5 is around the corner. How many new achieves will get added that don’t do account wide progess? :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

I can see why they wouldn’t have total achievements show in guild roster on every single character, but at the same time, yes, it’s frustrating. I’m still #1 with my achievements in guild but missing around 2k achievements because I used to achievement hunt on my priest (it was easier to get into groups as a healer) so my warlock doesn’t show everything. My warlock is also in the same guild as aforementioned priest.

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So its POSSIBLE for them to make the “Do this activity X amount of times” Account Wide. Can we please have this option added to the Researchers Under Fire Achievements and other past “do X out of X amount” achieves in PvP/PvE content?


An option in the guild pane to add another drop down tab that has account achievement points would be a good change.

Nothing else would have to be changed as the panes display now. No massive rework. Single character achievements would still be listed. Professions, location, all that stuff is there.

Giving everyone the option to view what stats they want, when they want.


Just realized that picture had been broken; fixed it now to show that it’s possible for Blizz to add account wide “Do activity X amount of times” achieves.

I’d really like this topic to be touched on by the Devs. They’ve shown its possible to make all types of achievements account wide including those with do “X amount”.

I just want to know if this is something they plan to start doing or if they have plans to make old and new achievements truly account wide.

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I agree. Many achievements (specifically the do X thing Y number of times) are incredibly tedious and would be helpful to count account wide. As you mentioned above, they did they to other achievements recently, so the technology and ability is there, and the desire is there as well from the playerbase.


Im sure there are achievements that could benefit from being made account wide, but there are some that it just wouldnt make sense in my opinion, depending on implementation of this

Account wide completion vs criteria
based on my limited knowledge of how achievements work behind the scenes, I don’t think it would be to hard to, if achievement is completed by any character on account it completes for all,

but, for having progress on any character add up, like they do for some already, just wouldn’t work for some achievements,
going to use the achievements I know the best as an example,

Complete 10,000 daily quests: Is currently account wide
Complete 3,000 quests: not account wide

the normal quest one, just can’t really be account wide in the same way,
its whole point is completing 3000 different quests, but if you made progress account wide, you could just do northshire over and over on a bunch of characters which would kinda defeat the purpose.

so I don’t think all achievements can really be made account wide without changes, but there definitely is achievements that arent currently account wide that could be,
taking a quick look, the “loot x amount of gold” ones probably could be for example


I think this could be fixed by making it an account wide trigger completion of a quest on that single time. You can still do that quest on multiple characters but it will trigger as complete for the “Do 3,000 Quests” achieve the first time you do a particular quest. If you do it subsequent times then the subsequent times will not count.

They have this similar feature already available via Holidays for the 1 time a day boosted drop rate. They could just apply it to quests instead. Like you can run the Holiday dungeons as much as you want but only the first will count as the boosted drop rate of the day. Such could be done with quests for that particular achievement.