Making a deal with Sargeras

The old gods are afraid of him. If we made a deal to release him so he could help us with the old gods think we could trust him?

He’s the one who’s afraid >:c


The same guy who just stabbed the planet and tried to burn out the universe? Mm probably not.

Maiev knew all along Illidan was jealous of his Naaru dad. What could go wrong ?

Maybe another expansion. We’ve killed every gd god known to this universe. Can’t we just grab the family for some vacation and maybe settle down to retire ? (player housing w/o npcs)

We all die in a massive event and play out most of the expansion as ghosts.

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Actually a Shadowlands expansion would be pretty cool.

The one thing wich it came to my mind it’s Illidan… if he kills Sargeras and consumes his power … beware,beware Old Gods :joy:

Ooh I get to explore the Emerald Nightmare Dream’s version of all of Azeroth!

It’s gonna be interesting to see where they take this. I’m thinking that we’re pretty much living on an old god and don’t realize it, but Sargeras did. Azeroth seems to be overrun by several old gods. I mean, think about it. The first old god we fought was C’thun back in vanilla. But what we fought was just a part of him. The areas surrounding Ahn’Qiraj temple in Silithus and Tanaris all have arms and things sticking up, and even as far north as the barrens you can find silithid hives. Pretty much all of Kalimdor is housing C’thun. That’s just one continent. Northrend is the same for Yogg-Saron. Panderia has manifestations of Y’Shaarj. The old gods are bigger than we know. N’zoth is the first old god to actually be fully set loose, so I think this is going to be a (no pun intended) huge thing, story-wise. It’s no accidental happening that we didn’t kill Sargeras. I think in the end we’re going to find out that he was a good guy, in a weird roundabout sort of way.