TL:DR below
For the past week I have visited different servers in effort to find a new place to call home. I revisited old servers I used to play on over the years only to be greeted by ghost towns filled with NPCs and a server population comprised of the only 1-3 raiding guilds that actively try to sell each other mythic achievement carries in trade. It seems like a familiar story for a lot of people looking to reconnect with the game and make some new buddies.
I farmed out all the allied races on alliance, since that’s where my 120 was, only to be let down by how overly goofy and momo-ish kul’tirans are, a charm I had hoped would win me over but unfortunately didn’t. So, after a month of playing catch up to the war campaign and grinding out world quests to unlock kul’tirans (good lord) I am faced with some burn out…but its strange, I want to play this game!
All my best times come from back when I was involved with guilds, making friends and getting into all sorts of shenanigans. The magic of this game works in the communities that form from it and as much as I tried to put some of that into the world on my old server (Ysera), it was met with silence.
Enter a dungeon, “Hey everyone, how’s it going?”…“shut up”…oooookie doke.
I played on Emerald Dream a long time ago…my only time marker was I remember a Horde guild…warsong something…battalion maybe, led by a guy Himanshu. I remembered him cause I thought his name was Human Shoe. Anyway, the point is, I haven’t been here since they were at a time that seemed to be one of the biggest Wpvp guilds. I am currently looking to see if this is a place that has any sense of community. Im not sure if I’ll transfer over or level anew but Im trying to find a guild that’s just focused on playing together, whatever they decide to do. Let’s go try to raid or let’s go meet up in the world and beat up people for their milk money…or take ourselves over to an RBG etc. so,
TL:DR Dude comes back to Better Farm Azeroth to looking to meet new folks and make some new buddies so WoW can be fun like it used to be. Im looking at ED’s potential and seeing what you guys think.
Thanks for reading my wall of…complaints
The server as a whole is a community. We are one of the few servers left that still have that “home” feel, even between factions. Lots of people from WSB still thrive here, and even recently they made a winter break come back, for what looked like “just for funsies”. . . WSB isnt the only giant on the server however. There are quite a few communities and guilds to choose from to be honest, both horde and alliance side. Coming back would not be a bad decision, and i highly recommend it.
99.9% of the people on this server care about each other, whether we’re stabbing them or throwing a shield in front of them, doesn’t matter. I’ve only ever seen one other community this tight, and sadly that server died in WoD. Glad to have found the people here!
I’m really glad to hear that. It’s been a challenge trying to find a place to start up again. Most servers are so dead even the crickets were like “screw this!”
And I can tell you where most of the dwarves hang out on Tuesday nights for starters… the Orgrimmar Portal Room!
But more seriously, how can we help you jump back into ED?
I mean honestly it’s huge just seeing you guys reaching out, giving your opinions and having a genuine interest in netting more like-minded players to your server. This alone has been a refreshing little forum conversation which definitely interests me in giving Emerald Dream a shot. Finding a new guild or making some new friends ultimately falls on me!
I might have some intel that will be handy:
One way to find your way around Emerald Dream guilds is to check out this spreadsheet by Aeriara!
Link – bit. ly / edguilds (take out the spaces)
And then we have the Horde PSA forum post, which includes some cross-faction gatherings, too. Both the Horde and Alliance in-game community information is included:
Both Horde and Alliance have bar nights, and on the first Saturday of the month, the Alliance hosts a convention for people seeking to learn more about the various guilds.
For information on the Horde RP discord, you can btag me for an invite: MrthePanda#1597 (might even have some info on alliance)
And shameless plug for a small view of the ED shenanigans:
Thanks Lohkawas!
By the way, I love that newsletter link that is so cool! I assume the best way to get involved in all of the public events is through the Discord for Emerald Dream?
we share a lot of info through discord, but currently we don’t make the links public. but once you get online with us, we can throw you one easy!
and thank you!
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Sounds good. After looking through what you presented I figured why the heck not. Be on the look out, the horde just gained another warlock
Clan battle hammer are my favorite dwarfs
Redwood Tribe are my favorite barbe… I mean tauren.
Come to horde, reroll warlock, or just kill these alliance tree hungers. Keep Warmode on, and Soulshatter might just be up your ally. And we’ll give you a comeback to enjoy.
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i love this stuff man. see this is why i came back to ED. the people think of you like family vrs just a toon on the screen. or at least that is how it was back in the day when i was on here last. i just xfered here and im hoping to get back into the community.
Roll an Undead. The Desolate Conclave hosts fancy parties at castles when we’re not doing [DATA EXPUNGED].
I LOVE to hear that! I’m a returning player who’s just purchased the game roughly a week ago. Emerald Dream has always been my home; I’m so glad to see that after all of these years, the realm is still alive and thriving. Let’s all work hard to make/keep ED the BEST realm in all of Azeroth! I hope to come across ya’ll in my adventures. Community is what will bring WoW back to the top and keep it alive forever. It’s up to us.
Don’t carry a mug filled with purple wine, people will try to steal it and touch your tail. D: