Making a comeback?

As the title states I’m looking to make a comeback to the game. Right now I’m looking to find a guild that is either a fresh reroll or a guild that wouldn’t mind having a rusty but experienced player hanging around. I originally started playing at the end of Vanilla and raided all the way through MOP as a warrior tank and Pally healer. I also don’t stand in fire… My post may seem a little hectic but I just want a fresh start back into the game.

Hey, we are looking to find some DPS to fill our core roster. Check us out if you are interested. My btag is listed as Mindtrick#1101.

  1. Guild Name/Server: <Pkaaww> - US-Lightbringer

  2. Faction: Alliance

  3. Raid Times: Tuesday/Thursday 6pm - 8:30pm PST

  4. Progression: 7/9H BoD 2/8M Uldir 1/11M Antorus

  5. Recruitment Contacts: BurritoBob#1836 WildcatJedi#1283 Dagery#1802 Mindtrick#1101 Bloodchoke#1557 SythDeath#1295

  • Pkaaww (formerly Paradox on Gnomeregan) is a new guild to Lightbringer looking to fill out our core raiding roster. We are looking for all roles that know their class and can show up to raid consistently. We have historically been an AOTC guild that pushes mythic content when we have the roster to support it. Most of our progression has come down to a lack of bodies on the old server (In Antorus for example we were doing mythic content with 19 people) so we’ve since moved from Gnomeregan. We’re a laid back guild, looking to have fun and push content with some of the best bird cries on pull this side of Azeroth. If you’re interested feel free to add our BTags or fill out an application.

Always interested in talking to talented players. Hit me up.

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord

Exactly the same boat, vanilla-m.o.p. Now I keep standing around telling everyone how in had to run everywhere until lvl 40 and that you actually had to walk halfway across the map to get instances like wc or sunken temple because most zones had one flight path. However, my guild hung on by a thread while I was gone and I got lonely last month and recruited a person or 20 to play with. It looks like we have the beginnings of an awesome group and we love to party up and tackle all the new stuff and we love to have you along for the ride. You can find us on Guildsofwow as guardians of Forever on Khadgar server or message me at battlenet mantwawn#11102

Hey. I run Doushbad, and we are a mostly social/casual guild that dabbles in a bit of everything. Mostly built for a small community we mostly focus on the less-hardcore aspects of the game. A good chunk of us have introduced new members recently and are leveling with new players, and others remain on their mains or both.

Send me a message if you’re interested!


Hey, Neo!

I’m recruiting for Koalaty Time, a Horde-based guild on Mal’ganis. We’re always interested in returning players. To learn a little bit about our guild, I suggest checking out our recruitment post here:

We could catch you up in no time, it’s just a matter of your availability / dedication. You can see our needs and schedule in our post. If you’d like to chat, feel free to add me on bnet: conweezy#1387.

Welcome back and best of luck in your search,

Shayzee / Conweezy