I am terrible when it comes to making macros. I’m currently playing a priest hoping to pvp as shadow spec. I wanted to play around with the idea of casting multiple spells using one button. Specifically Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Pain, and Power Word: Shield in that order.
I have tried:
/castsequence Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Pain, and Power Word: Shield
/castsequence reset=2 Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Pain, and Power Word: Shield
I have tried all of these and none seem to work. I’m not moving to interrupt the casting so that’s not the issue. Any ideas how to make this macro?
Cast sequences don’t work in Classic like they did in vanilla and tbc because we’re using the legion macro system that was changed. If a spell or ability or item use is on the global cooldown, then it can only be placed at the end of a macro. Once the GCD activates the macro will stop functioning and nothing after it will happen. (This is also why the hunter 1 button rotation macro will not work in Classic TBC.)
But you can do modifier macros. Say you want shadow word pain, mind blast, and your shield in a single keybind you could macro this;
/cast [nomod] shadow word: pain
/cast [mod:shift] mind blast
/cast [mod:alt] power word: shield
If you just press the keybind it will SW:P, if you hold shift when pressing it it will cast mind blast, and if you press alt while hitting the keybind it will cast your shield.
You really don’t want to do this, especially if you are going to pvp. Too many on the fly variables for a cast sequence to be effective, you need to change your decisions too much.
Im trying to make one for shadow priest . I want to cast power word shield on myself every time its off cooldown. It can be paired up with vampiric touch for example.
Ive seen cast sequence macros do this for dk and ams but i lost the macro .