Make Zandalari Troll racial Pterrordax Swoop usable in rated PVP and receive reduced CD in light of Dracthyr

Zandalari Troll racial Pterrordax Swoop should be usable in rated PVP and receive reduced CD in light of Dracthyr bringing baseline slowfall to more classes.

Highmountain Tauren should receive reduced CD for Bull Rush, or it should not share diminishing return with stun.

In addition, compare Highmountain Tauren to Kul Tiran Human, which were introduced together in BFA, Brush It Off , Haymaker, Rime of the Ancient Mariner together make Kul Tiran much better. Please make Rugged Tenacity better and the effects apply after standard damage reduction so it does not punish tanks.


That 15min cd on swoop is ridiculous. My preference would be the 2-2:30min range but, 3min would be a fantastic improvement. 5min would be good. I just dont see a reasoning for its crazy cd.

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Yeah I don’t see a reason either, it is a fun talent but the CD made it not practical. When slowfall is standard with the new race, i don’t see how this glider talent cannot be used in rated and receive a reduced CD.

Very weird for them to be deactivating racials and then allowing others in any content.

What is being deactivated?