In the actual words of Jackie Chain
-Windwalker monk hit like wet noodellll
Slap another 100% buff on SotWL
Chuck Norris Approve the Buff
I did say something like that
I’d rather see RSK get a buff, like maybe let haste also increase it’s dmg.
Also, FoF dmg value a bit low too
Would love to see RSK get The tier set of DF2 as talent. its such a Core ability and we even have to use it in aoe for WDP
It does, through Glory of the Dawn and more frequent casts.
FoF and RSK always need buffs.
I’d like to see Blizz revert the nerf to XBG before if not alongside with direct numbers buffs to RSK and FoF.
What we need… is keefers back… just saying. Frost mage go ROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT SLOW SLOW ROOT.
Honestly the problem is too much micro cc. We need a cc trim across the board.
You spelled FoF stun wrong.
Delete SEF for Serenity
Bring back OG SEF. And bring back tigereye brew.
It would be cool if they could manage to get the talents to work for the class. Martial instincts in the monk tree doesn’t even apply the 4% increases it says it does.
The fact that this was said by a profile picture with a checkered box for a head is perfect.
Hmm hits harder than my DH at least lol
How blizzard managed to change so much with WW and still have it not scale with gear is something that should be studied in laboratories.
What you really need are:
AoE Chi generator (in AoE scenarios, you cannot generate chi fast enough to continue SCK,and since Tiger Palm is a ST ability chi generator, it’s severely gimping your AoE damage). Need some kind of ability that can generate 3 chi in AoE on a relatively short cooldown
A way to make RSK cleave or alternative methods of proccing WDP dependency (again, in AoE, using a ST ability to proc AoE dependencies is a loss in damage. We should have an AoE ability that can proc the WDP dependency alongside FoF). This can be a talent that you spec into or another ability that you press which modifies your other abilities.
a better no-cooldown chi spender (every other class in the game has no cooldown spenders that allow them to get more casts during periods of high resource flow — WW Literally cannot use their spenders even if they have resources because of the cooldowns and BoK cannot reduce these cooldowns fast enough to make WW Compete with other specs in high resource scenarios). It can be more expensive but tuned around scenarios where you are gaining extra chi either from AoE chi generator or good string of procs allowing you to use it on ST on occasion