Make totemic projection passive and more intuitive

Totemic Projection is a good talent if you are someone who needs to relocate your totems for any spec.

However, it could be better. The effect itself is fine, but instead of making it a button that you have to press off GCD, it would make more sense to just have it be able to let you repress your most recently used totem to be able to relocate it. You can leave the 10 second cooldown as well, but it’s a big QOL fix for a meaningful impact and what I think most Shamans would expect to have a talent like that work like.

I’d love if it was baseline, but I’m too stupid to remember the last totem i hit sometimes. I like having an actual key bind for it. I also feel like with some totems being @cursor and some being placed near the caster, it could be awkward. What would happen with healing stream if you have x2 charges?

that be broken , with totemic recall and creation core , that be 4 healing stream totem

You can already drop 4 stream totems if you want. I was doing that at the beginning of DF. Later on I realized there was better uses for totemic recall.