Make Thistle Tea a reusable item

Stop forcing rogues to pay gold to do their rotation.


2/10. Troll harder.


100% dead serious.

Do you really need that big a crutch?


It’s a basic part of a rogues rotation.

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It needs to either be a flask with 5 charges, or cooking should proc multiples like how alchemy can.

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This is a fast moving temporary seasonal server. It just needs to be one item with infinite usage with the same cooldown. No other class has to do this kind of nonsense in order to do their rotation.

so is cooking :expressionless: get to it

this doesn’t even make sense…

Well no, I don’t agree with that. That would make it too easy to DPS as a Rogue.

If we are going down that path let’s talk about rage pots…

it’s not any easier or harder…it just costs less gold what do you even mean?

Don’t use it if you don’t want to farm it

Cold-take: We should get a reusable Thistle Tea as our ultimate reward for completing our entire SoD class quest chain. Would feel very rewarding without introducing any power creep, not mandatory to acquire but a huge boost to QOL. Just a pure W.


They gave druids catnip so that they didn’t have to even swap to their pummeller and even gave them a wolfshead enchant, giving rogues a thistle tea would be a drop in the bucket


We get that flat energy trinket in ZG too, that thing is BiS in PVP.

okay while we are at it reduce the cost of catnip for feral druids. 50s each and I use 10-20 per raid.

i’m fairly certain rage returns FAR more attacks than energy does…but if i’m wrong…buff rage pots the exact same way imo.

you need it to play the game? or just parse?

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Probably just parse lmao.