Make the game more ALT friendly, all currencies should be Account Wide

Change my mind.


I don’t have to.

Do it Blizz.


And make rep account wide. Open the game play up already!


what mind? alts are a bad thing to be allowed. for each max level alt you have, you play your main 20% worse than you could be. Alts should be treated like multiboxers.

I’d also switch anything “soulbound” to “account bound”. Being able to send our old gear to our alts as hand-me-downs, instead of just vendoring them, would be huge.


I don’t have a main, I am all my characters :slight_smile:


Omg, so much this…

When I get a 252 upgrade on my main, I would love to send the old 242-246 piece as a hand-me-down to my alts :drooling_face:


A simple thing they should do is turn all tech research progression from per character to being account-wide.

Nothing was at all fun getting a fresh character in 8.3 and going into visions to level up their cloak, only to be faced with a tree you already did on your main. Same for box of many things.

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Maybe not account wide, not unless they are also going to make the AH region wide, server wide would be best. And while they are at it make a server wide bank storage. I am so sick of having 12 characters with random bits and bobs here and there because character A is full.

Trying to find that one material I am after is easy, addons, but having to than log and send it over, than log back, than find out I didn’t send enough and log back again and again, that’s not exactly user friendly.

Or worse, having that item I need on one character, but not enough, so I need to log into multiple characters to get what I want sent across.

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You got any guild banks? Not saying to shutdown your point but given the well “technical” limits I think they are working with I honestly don’t see that being completely feasible. Cause as I assume now, guild banks are likely repurposed special player characters that have dupe protection (as with everything) and to combine like I last calculated 700+ possible slots per character times X characters would just lag like crazy.

Yeah, I wonder what the pushback is. Because you do the labor, and currency/achievements/etc. doesn’t really have bearing on how my toon operates.

The story and renown for the factions is one thing. But they should have let me do all 4 on one toon with no penalities, and then just make it account-wide. I don’t mind doing the story. But the artificial hurdles are just bizarre to me.

Bank alt solves this problem. Other than the soulbound thing.

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I don’t want to change your mind. I completely agree. Blizzard representatives always say “this is the most alt friendly expansion” and never follow through. A good step in the right direction would be to make all currencies account wide. Blizzard also makes alt friendly changes to the game way too late. Shadowlands saw changes that helped alts with catch up and such when most players moved on to other games.

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Oh yeh I got a personal guild bank that is half full of crap, it’s such a pain though to try and organise 11 characters to send all the old world stuff to my bank, but it’s all server side and takes too long to get things in and out of the bank. So I use it as a faux void storage instead and put stuff in there I probably won’t use but still want to keep, but also can’t put in void storage, or if my void storage runs out of space.

It would just be so helpful having server wide storage. I made some TBC engineering items the other month for a guildie, some pet or something they were using to cheese the SD urns to make them tick faster so they can kill faster and keep stacks up longer, I made 6 of them, one for each member of their M+ group and another to sell.

Ended up logging from my druid to my paladin to get some materials, than got more materials from my rogue, mage and hunter, sent them all to my priest and found out I was short, so I went back to my druid to send gold to buy bars from the AH to find out there wasn’t enough. Brought some ore to send to my DH to smelt only to find out I still didn’t have enough, than went back to druid to buy more ore to send to my DH to smelt to than send the bars to my priest to make the items.

But after all that you know what happened? Not enough bars, so I went again, druid > DH > priest. Guildie paid for it all so I got that and they sold the 6th item back on the AH to make a profit of their own, so they got that, but the time, the logging over, the annoyance, it makes you never want to even bother.

If I had all the mats on one character for sure their bank would be full, my druids bank is full and it doesn’t even have any old world mats. Keeping them all on my personal guild would help, but than the time it takes me to add and remove all the mats, that’s not much better. And setting up TSM to automate the guild bank part, that takes longer than it’s worth for the amount of times I even do this kind of work.

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I at least would like the Time Walking badges to be at least account wide.


I’ll be fine with them NOT having this many currencies to begin with. 10 new currencies in SL expac alone (11, if you count Valor), and some old currencies (e.g. TW badges) are still relevant as well - seriously, WTF?

Blizz needs to embrace the player, not the character. This notion of character exclusiveness solely for rpg purposes is dated and unwelcome.


This is quite possibly the dumbest thing ever posted here. Your gonna be popular for that one…


yes this!!! …so tired of excess soulbound currency from lower tier expansions just collecting dust …reduce the currencies into a multi expansion friendly currency that can be accessed account wide like the trading post currency even the gold… also please keep them out of my bags. all currencies should kept in the currencies tab

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Having alts is literally cheating.

We should be allow 1 character per realm only.