Make the Countess look more like Lady Dimitrescu

Now as you know the subscriber numbers has been at an all time low and also the Venthyr is possible the least popular Covenant in the Shadowlands. However I believe this simple solution would not only capitalize on the recently Popularity of Resident Evil but also bring in Resident Evil fans to the World of Warcraft.

After all the Countess is already a lot like Lady Dimitrescu.


This is the real Tall Vampire Lady of WoW:

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That is technically a demon not a vampire.

They are both.

In fact, Dreadlords and Venthyr were both created by the same Vampire God, Sire Denathrius.

Dreadlords are the original Warcraft Vampires. Even back in WC3 they were described as vampiric.

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Besides the Female Venthyr exist in game I do not know of any Female Dreadlords it would save Blizzard time with coding.

While I love Dimitrescu, I’d rather The Countess be. Ya know. The Countess.

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Why are you against that? It would get the game more players.

since when is venthir unpopular isn’t that the one everyone was complaining about before release was going to be the stupid over crowed one because of the benefits for min maxing?

I got 2 toons in there so far rest are all in maldraxxus.
I at least want one toon in the fairy place and no one is going to bastion

because throwing fetish fuel isn’t going to make people return, in fact it’ll just have them galvanize leaving. If you want your Tall Vampire Lady, go in play RE Village.


It will help attract new players though.

I believe only the Dreadlords who consumed Fel are considered demons as they are the only ones who go back to the Nether when they die.

Excuse you?

Blood Queen Lana’thel was here first.


Yes but she did not have much to do with Shadowlands and she is kind of low resolution.

Not really.

Games like Resident Evil are made for replayability. WoW? Not quite the same.

If your suggestion happened, people who wanted to look at a pretty vampire would just go to certain websites for it for free. Not pay a sub fee for one character.

She is Undead and was raised by the Jailor’s agent on Azeroth.

no it won’t

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To be fair, I think WoW is a lot more about replayability than Resident Evil.

I mean, look at Raiders and Mythic+ players. They play the same pieces of the game over and over and over again.

Like I said not quiiiiiite the same.

A good single player game is like enjoying a lovely slice of cheese cake. You take your time and savor it then go into a food coma afterwards.

WoW is more like…I almost wanna say popcorn. Yeah you eat it but it’s just to give yourself something to do while watching a movie

I’d agree if I hadn’t wasted so much time on Resident Evil 5 and Revelations 2 Raid Mode. Then again I might just have some odd problem with liking those two games too much :stuck_out_tongue: