Make survival ranged

NO. A thousand times, NO.
You already have two ranged specs for hunters; I like having my survival hunter get to play melee style.


Neither of which even resembles the ranged spec that was removed in the creation of melee survival, you may as well be telling people to go play warlock.

The mechanics and gameplay of MoP WoD ranged survival have been lost, completely, and while I don’t want to see another spec removed from the game (MSV). Those who lost their spec are pretty stranded too.


I really love, how very few MSV fans seem able to read. Again, people who want RSV back are NOT asking for MSV to be removed. If RSV was added as a 4th spec, you’d still have your niche MSV. The only difference being, we’d also have our RSV back, so all these threads could stop and this rift in the hunter community would end. Even though, most MSV players aren’t part of the hunter community because MSV wasn’t designed for hunters from the start. (Ion even said this).

Most people who play MSV can’t grasp that because they never touched hunters prior to the change.

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Well said.

It’s simple.

This is one of those situations where people will continue to advocate for it’s return up until it does so, or until the game is shut down.

Others can agree or disagree with such requests, it is what it is. A playstyle we enjoyed was taken away without there actually being a valid reason to do so.

Many players have shown interest in something like Dark Rangers.
I very much get why.

However, Dark Rangers are Hunters as much as DKs are Warriors, if you ask me.

I would never propose a recreation of something previously tied to the hunter class to be realized through another class.

But yeah, this part is very much subjective ofc.


Individual posts may eventually get left behind, but the subject as a whole and the purpose of why we’re doing this, it will continue until a solution is in place. Most likely.



Yeah, we’ve seen better days indeed.

Nuff said.


Hopefully we can get them into the mindset that it should be done, going forward.

It does make you wonder…


Well, many of us here want it as a 4th spec and not as a replacement to your MSV so…not an issue.




Survival throws grenades and pulls a magical crossbow out all in point blank range… makes sense 10/10 class fantasy

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Wrath survival was my favorite time on my hunter. I had so much fun on her! I’m not a fan of melee survival, but I’m also not looking to take anyone’s fun away who really likes it.

I like the idea of a 4th spec to bring the old survival back :frowning:


I wish I had found out about SV earlier in WotLK and not just 3-4 months before Cata launched.
I kept with MM for most of it(WotLK).

Yes! One day perhaps…

Survival hunter here…How about no.

That’s a great idea!

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have you tried the PTR?
You can kinda configure it how SV is now, or more ranged.
But Im more interested in MM if they keep it like it is on the PTR currently. Finally its actually fun to play.

If they make Survival ranged again, I hope they hand out level boosts so I can boost another class to replace my hunter. I do not like playing classes that use bows/guns.

No. Keep it melee.

It was ranged. Players wanted a melee Hunter spec.

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Hey if you want melee with a pet Unholy DeathKnight is waiting for you

THen why did you roll a class that is primarily bows and guns in the first place ?

You had enough melee choices to pick from before the change


No one asked for melee hunter .

Even Ion said people roll hunter because they want to be range and that all msurv was is a niche spec.


I’ve played a hunter since 2004. I was very surprised when Blizzard made the Survivor subspec so different. But I must admit that the previous “survivor” subspec was lousy and worth changing.

Last week I leveled my Survivor Hunter from 112-120. It was fun.

When I wanted to stay ranged, I did. My pet tanked, I healed the pet and I used my ranged DPS abilities. I never had to melee at all. If the pet died then I did “feign death” to end the fight. I was a hunter with only a few bow skills.

But any time I wanted to melee (or kill a mob faster) I cast Harpoon and was instantly in melee range. And I had some melee skills, not just white damage. What other class has this feature? NO other class! Arms warriors have Charge, but only if they aren’t in combat yet. Harpoon is a unique and fun ability.

So Survival Hunter is a true hybrid class, doing DPS in 3 ways: melee plus ranged plus pet.

Did people ask for Mag’har specifically? Pandas? Did they ask for BFA? That excuse is very very poor and easily countered. And do you know for a fact that literally no one asked for melee hunter? I think you’re wrong. I remember when hunters could dual wield and people complained when that was taken away.

That’s not true about the harpoon. Doesn’t rogue have the grappling hook?