Make Survival a tank spec

Oh, come off it.

Blizzard moved survival to melee because Ion believed old RSV and MM were to similar.

His logic was and is ridiculous, of course. Moving survival to melee wasn’t necessary to further differentiate the two specs. I mean, survival’s current spec design could work at range with minimal changes, and it would be plenty different from MM.

But the idea that Blizzard took survival melee to spite people? That’s just projection.


Yup. Didn’t confer with the many in tandem with the few about the decision. Just went ahead and did it. Because screw you, that’s why. Blizzard couldn’t even host a voting contest in the community to help decide.

So yeah, if you make MSV a tank spec, THE SPEC MIGHT ACTUALLY BE WORTH SOMETHING. Think of all the survivability and utility tanks get. If you make SV melee, might as well make it a good melee. It’d still have to compete with the other tank specs, and thereby agitate other players, but it’s no biggie.

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Exactly. The tank shortage isn’t due to a lack of tank specs, nor is it due to how hard those specs are to run, tanks are rare because a lot of people don’t want the extra responsibility.


Indeed. 15 years later it’s still the same old crutch that always plagued this game. No tank, wait 25-35 minutes.

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If you would be willing to give ClassicWoW a try, SV is actually the go-to tank spec over there with many hunter tanks trying to tank raids just for the extra challenge.

Ah yes I’m sure Hunters are just lining up to experience the joy of trying to hold threat with Wing Clip spam. Bonus points for subjecting your entire raid to that.

Aren’t you the same guy who swears up and down that Shaman tanking is also not only a viable but great tanking choice?

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The tank shortage isn’t caused by lack of tank specs. It’s caused by lack of people willing to put up with the BS of being a tank. Adding more tank specs does not increase the number of people willing to tank.

Thank you for either not reading my full response and/or completely missing my point.

Have a nice evening.

I’m not trying to pull anything. You’re delusional if you think survival is salvageable at this point as a melee spec. If you left it the same but made it a tank class and tuned it, I bet money it would see more play than it currently does.

Did you even bother to read my post before crapping this out into the thread? You had a month to do it. I’m the most anti melee SV person around here. Trying to advertise a Survival tank spec to people who hate the melee version is deceitful and manipulative. The people who hate melee Survival want ranged Survival back.


Pretty much, my personal opinion aside about returning RSV as a 4th spec. No matter how people are asking for it to return really.

People advocating for the return of RSV, it’s basically one of those things that won’t stop until there’s a solution which satisfies said players.

You can like it or hate it, but the requests for RSV to return will continue until it does or the game shuts down.

Case-in-point, topics like these will continue to pop up until it does: Make survival ranged

And the thing is, there’s a solution in place. The devs just haven’t gotten on-board with it yet.
Will they ever? Who knows…

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Changing peoples specs to tank WILL NOT make people tank. We don’t want to deal with the bs that tanks have to deal with. Changing the spec will just make most players not play the spec except for a minor few.

Get over yourself.

You don’t get to decide what ideas are “contemptible” for anyone other than yourself.

Especially after you proclaim you didn’t even read the OPs post…what a clown.


I didn’t read it because there is literally nothing anyone could possibly come up with that makes a Hunter tank a good idea. It’s a fundamentally bad idea.

Hunters do not, in fact, want to play tanks. Period. Even Blizzard attests to Hunters wanting to play ranged DPS. Wasting time on a Hunter tank at the expense of the other specs is bad enough. Literally replacing an existing Hunter spec is even worse, and there is no way in hell they are ever making a 4th spec for this class.

It fits neither the class identity nor the wishes of the Hunter playerbase. If you want a tank spec, get lost in one of the many classes that can already tank. Your bad ideas aren’t wanted here.


I know I’m not helping anything with what I’m about to say.

But can we let this thread get buried before blizz reads this one forum vs the hundreds of survival threads and happen to PICK THIS ONE to get feedback of what people want for survival!?!?

Boss of the internet back to tell people what everyone should and shouldn’t want.

HAHA a “fundamentally bad idea” is you continuing to think you are the arbiter of all things hunter, clown shoes.


Despite the many negative comments, I like this idea.

The mechanic could be interesting as the Hunter tank gets different survival buffs depending on the pet she brings.

For example,

  1. spirit beast = self heals
  2. monkeys = avoidance
  3. turtle = armor
  4. Chimera = magic dr

The hunter is still the one holding aggro, and the defensives, last stand abilities are executed by having the pet take the damage for the hunter tank.

We have had over a decade of trying to make the melee hunter viable; this could be a step in the right direction.

Every new class has had a tank spec since Wotlk and even BC moved a tank spec that was exclusively Alliance to Horde. The pug and dungeon/raid finder tank shortage is because dungeons are designed with convoluted routes and people are too intimidated by the prospect of trying to figure that out in a group of strangers. More tank specs cant fix that.

Tanks may wish to play hunters. I don’t like this idea, and I love tanking, but current hunters don’t have an exclusive right to saying what a future hunter should be.

How about the tanks keep to their own damn classes? Why shouldn’t future Hunter design be catered towards Hunters?