Make subscription cheaper wow is overpriced

The library? That’s kinda a subscription service isn’t it?

Although, rates (property taxes) have gone up in that time so I suppose that kinda counts as a price rise?

BRO, internet entertainment is a HuMaN RiGhT! >:E
Lyke wow, don’t u care about anybody frickin’ Notzi

I’m hella not being serious but yeah. Lol.

Sigh… if someone is struggling financially to make the basic ends, there are a lot of thing in that list should be cut from spending, not just WoW subscription. There are other options on the internet for free entertainment.

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I don’t think Lilbran is struggling tho… I mean, they had to get something for hocking their punctuation keys, right?

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lower the price when WoW is the most profitable and popular than it’s ever been?

This makes no sense, if anything Blizzard should be raising the price.

You aren’t farming gold then.

Most popular than it’s ever been?

Subs aren’t even half of what they were in the Wrath days.

More like a third. And that’s only because a new expansion’s coming out.

Check again in 3 months. Much lower.

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Good luck friend. They just increased OCE subscription cost by 33% last month. Fat chance they will lower anything, seems like after all the positive we thought we were seeing Actiblizz is just as greedy as ever.

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you should do your research and take a gander at Activision’s Q3 2020 shareholder’s meeting call/notes.

WoW’s current income/profits makes Wrath look like a joke.

And I said it’s taken me a year to add 200k gold to my total.

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15$ is not too much for a game. Sorry.

Those profits certainly ain’t from subs.

AND you have to subtract the folks playing Classic exclusively, which–keep in mind–is costing Blizz money to run and develop but they aren’t making any $50 one-time fees by selling access to the game.

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why would you subtract Classic? that’s apart of the $15 sub. Many people literally pay $15 just to play classic and never touch “retail”. That’s like saying you have to subtract the in-game shop from retail. Revenue is Revenue, doesn’t matter what source, as long as it’s for World of Warcraft that’s all that matters. And both the current Revenue and profitability for WoW is the strongest it’s ever been in it’s 16 years.

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Some of my other hobbies could be measured in dollars PER MINUTE!

Flip the giggleswitch and watch $100 disappear…
Drop the clutch and poof couple hundred literally up in smoke…
Long ago in a far away land my RC car clipped a crack in the road and vaporized… there went $800.

I don’t make a lot, but budgeting and planning make it go how far I want it to go.

When times are tight, the big fun gets put up and I have to deal with cheaper options… like wow.

This is called “projection”. You listed companies that are obviously being greedy, by your own examples, then you say anyone who complains is greedy?

There’s a GIF from “The Princess Bride” you should look up.

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You definitely referring to WoW alone? Not the Blizzard corporation.
Not only that but you are also looking at a company that cut 40% of its operational costs, alongside the fact that the company has many more revenue streams (for WoW alone) currently than it ever had in WotLK.

Alongside the fact that a international pandemic is forcing people at home which has caused a lot of people to return to old hobbies including gaming.

Whilst it might be more “profitable” currently, it doesn’t mean that the game is in a better place than WotLK or that there are more active players/subs.


That just means you’re bad at making gold. lol

Look up a guide. 200k a year is terrible. You can make that in an afternoon.

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I no TL3 so no gif… have a youtubes…

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They just raised the cost of the sub in Oce, sure, because of currency fluctuation, and next generation titles finally got hiked to $70.

$15 is like a coke costing a nickel. It’s a nice little vestige. Leave it alone, before they make it more expensive.

If people had noodles they’d not buy the games that have had their prices hiked.

But they don’t (or at least they don’t use them) so the prices will go up and stay up.

Oh well. Not sure that it even affects me yet anyway. I haven’t seen PC games increase in cost yet and if they do I’ll just wait for a steam sale. They’re certainly frequent enough. lol