Make SoD feel like Classic again!

Ogres were not implemented for the same reason as Nagas (yes they toyed with making them a playable race too): too difficult to make them fit into the world, mounts and gear.

Taurens already have issues in some doorways, imagine ogres.

Classic spit out for the umpteenth time… that is horrible.

They need to build an environment for nostalgia. EQ did it well with their TLP servers. Keep more modern QoL, and keep the spirit of classic…

Wow you mean you’re into retail game-modes, level 70 lightforged draenei? Who could have guessed?

I’m surprised level 70 dracthyr is into retail-style changes!!!

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Era is that way :point_right:

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Removing class defining moves such as the bubble hearth, limiting mob leashes, and even changing NPCs so they no longer trigger pvp flags is definitely not in the spirit of classic.

Enjoy your fully reset hearth stone because you stepped on a 30 second flight path

But sure bro, continue to pick and choose which follows your made up “spirit” for bait rage.

brings back memories of everquest 1, rolling up 2 ogres and blocking the vendor doorways… oh the fun

the ultimate gatekeeper, you pay me 5silvers to gain access or me smash yer face

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Players are what destroy WPvP.

Wrong. It’s not what you wanted. Myself and a lot of folks can’t wait to play it. Did you and the rest of the Classic Plus crowd really think they were going to put an actual design team on this? What you and a lot of people are asking for would require a whole team of designers and years of design work. Ya’ll are basically asking for WoW 2. That’s not going to happen, at least not right now. It would encroach on retail way too much. Now, it looks like they may be winding retail down by 2030 given how they announced the expansion bundle, which is in line with my prediction here: For Whom it May Intrest, a Sub Count Analysis

If that happens then we may see a true Classic plus, which will have given them time to have experimented with seasons to the point that they have a good idea of what people want to see, and then we may well see a WoW 2 or something similar, but almost certainly not in the next couple years.

Lol I didn’t even want Classic+ because I knew that Blizzard wouldn’t be up to the task. I’m not surprised to see all of the lazy, retail-esque changes in SoD because retail is literally what Blizzard’s idea of a good MMO looks like in 2023.


By browsing these forums, nobody could even agree completely on what Classic+ would’ve been.

That’s why classic era was popping off and tbcc was dead right? Because that’s totally what happened, right?

It’s crazy that you people just come here and lie so openly.

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Classic Era is on life support … Hardcore only works cause of streamers for content because of the death compilations …

lol Xaryu has the worse ideas of all the streamers for anything wow related… That just proves you don’t actually watch any of the content they put out. That dude is a cringe fest when it comes to wow

Retail has been a dumpster fire for a decade and they play it. Streamers will say or do whatever they need to do for clicks and $$$


Okay i see you’re just here to troll, but I’ll engage one last time since you’re spreading misinformation here.

This was done by the community long before official hc.

I agree this is a bit silly, though you never feel it while playing normally and it was something a huge part of the hc community was asking for. I personally think greifing is a part of wow and there are many ways to avoid dragged mobs, but I am a minority there - most hc players seemed to want this.

This is false information - hit a pvp npc you get pvp flagged. They even made the swamp horde npc be more aggressive at pvp flagging enemies than in classic.

Unless they made this change in Nov - it is again false information. Pretty sure that only happens if a fp bugs. I leveled a hunter to 60 in hc recently and not a single time did a fp reset my hearth.

Now SoD has:

  • Nearly 100 class buffs in form of runes
  • Entire new roles to classes
  • lvl 25 mounts
  • Resilience item

If you can’t see the difference, I’m sure you’re just the perfect market for SoD :slight_smile: and I hope you have a great time play it.


Some people stayed on era.

I tried tbc and it was even worse that I remembered (my subjective opinion) so i quit until SoM came out, then when that died did a little pserver, and imagine after that Era was fully alive again.

Lie about what? TBC was horrible relative to vanilla.

If you think the hype train that went to tbc, then wrath, then a lot came back to era (followed by all the gold sellers and their bots) - is what defines a good game… I’m not sure what to tell you.

That’s the lie.

I never said any of that. Classic is just outright awful.

And yet you troll the classic era forums.

Sorry to everyone else for biting - I’ll control myself in the future.

They literally changed the NPC atop thousand needles to stop it. :clown_face: :clown_face:

I will thanks! Cant wait to continue reading your salt by either:
A. Claiming you arent playing yet still talking smack on every SoD thread or
B. Are playing SoD all day and night, talking smack yet still playing all night and day.

That is litterally classic my dude been playing this game for almost 20 years