Make rend baseline

Title says it all. Add it to the list on baseline “unprune”


No, thx. That’s one extra button I don’t want to have to push. I like choice.


Seconded. Unpruning is for utility and RP flavor abilities. DPS Warrior rotations aren’t heavy on dead spots and you’ve got a good set of talent choices if you feel like you want more buttons to hit.


I never understood why they made it a talent. Ridiculous that a spell we’ve had baseline since vanilla gets thrown up as a talent…


I think it should be baseline as well. Never been a fan of them taking away abilities that were always baseline and then selling them back to us as talents. (D stance, Rend, etc). Felt like doing them doing that was just lazy and took away opportunities for new and refreshing talents.

I dunno bout anyone else but I’d like to see the talent tree spiced up a bit instead of the same old crap that never gets picked because it’s always outshined by something else.


I’m not a fan of Rend. I get nostalgia and all but you can use it right now if you want to. In a lot of cases it’s a small dps gain at the cost of a more complex rotation.

I think Rend works best as a talent. Not everyone is a fan of DoT management and the increased Rage spending that comes with it.

I do think they should lower the Rage cost a bit, though. It feels like a bit too much.

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As someone who plays arms at a high level across PvE and PvP, i’d like to see Rend baseline, but not the current version. The rage cost for it is too high.

You still have to push the button when you opt for it.

How did we as a community come to this point? Make it baseline, reduce the rage cost, have it interact w/ Mastery or something. Doesn’t need to be mandatory to press, but can add a little flavor.

If one more button kills the enjoyment of the class for you then I guess I could suggest OSRS.

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It isn’t mandatory to press right now. You can optionally choose to have that flavor right now. You want to force your flavor on everyone else.

I don’t want to force that flavor on everyone else, if it’s baseline make it a marginal dps increase, or as I said make it interact w/ Mastery somehow. You can press it if you want, if not, you shouldn’t lose out on too much dmg.

I don’t think one more button to an already incredibly simplistic and downtime heavy spec will break the camels back. But I understand not wanting to have to keybind one more ability I guess.

Not a lot of Depth to the rotations either. I wish there was more for arms warrior.

That being said not sure rend is gonna do that

Why not get rid of rend and add the bleed effect to hamstring? That’s what I’d do with it but Im warrior biased so…?