Make prot paladin generate holy power from avenger's shield

If they did that i think prot would feel as fluid as ret and holy and like it used to in SL, bfa and legion. It feels so clunky now that its so slow.


Agree. But ackshually, if my memory serves me right, we didnt had holy power back in legion :nerd_face::point_up:

we didn’t have holy power for prot in legion and BFA, by that i meant that the rotation was way smoother and you would use SoTr every 5 sec with 2 charges. It was way better than now once every 8-9 sec without wings. Now prot feels like its dmg is reliant on wings, you used to have good dps and insane burst back then.
Prot had better design without holy power and just CDR / full haste build to keep spamming more abilities off gcd.

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i agree with you.

While having HP gen on AS would arguably feel somewhat more thematic than not, I have to wonder: Why would you want your basic resource generation to so badly depend upon RNG procs?

If you feel like Prot’s HP generation is so low compared to other tanks that they are (1) “clunkily” unfun compared to times when they were of similar power but had higher HP generation or (2) the lack of Holy Power generation is precisely what is disadvantaging them compared to other tanks, then sure, argue for more HP generation.

But why on the especially RNG-dependent skill specifically?

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That’s cause you have 14% haste, you need to stat prio Haste>Mastery>Crit/Vers.

Aside from that, Judgement and Blessed Hammer CDs we being lowered next week which directly impacts Holy Power generation. You still need more haste though.

Personally I don’t think of it in that term.

It’s more about consistency of design.

Paladin were given HP, for better or worse, as a generic ressource to manage.

Yet Prot has now multiple spells that fall outside of this system and some that are rotational at that in AS and Cons.

It makes for a disjointed feeling.
Something many since the change have echoed here and elsewhere.

It’s not that it can’t work, clearly some people are making it work very well but just because something can work doesn’t means that it feels good to use.

The original goal of Blizzard was to curb SotR uptime in DF, they largely failed.

They are now doubling down by congesting GCDs making us focus more on personal survivability rather than helping your group.

They shifted some defensive power onto AS but the only thing this really did was make us keep uptime on 3 active mitigation spells rather than 2.

Personally, I think they should have kept the AS generation and introduce a 3rd spender for Prot since it’s the only one of the 3 specs who has 2.

A spender focused more on damage, with a small amount of defensive power and have SotR have a high amount of defensive power with a small amount of damage.

Leaving us to balance the 2 and identify the damage/survivability moments.


I think this could have been cool to see, but I think part of the problem is that our Prot skill wall is high enough as is. It’s probably one of, if not, the easiest tanking class to get into, but one of the most difficult to master for a number of reasons outside of Holy Power. I think adding another spender would potentially add more complexity. I would still like to see it happen, but they would have to in return do even more pruning of our utility/toolkit more so than they are planning for the Anniversary patch.


It definitely would but in a different way than what they did with the removal of HP from AS.

I’d personally find it more rewarding to execute correctly than the frustration I feel playing it now, but that’s me.

The skill gap would be apparent in damage done and keeping threat.
People would be able to have 100% SotR uptime for sure but it would come at the cost of threat and damage.

Space would need to be made in the tree for this spender and AS would probably be the one to suffer.

They could also free up some of the WoG talents.

With this would come a more abundant generation as well which could free some GCD uses on utility spell if need be, without threatening our survivability and instead impacting the damage since you would still prio your and your group survival.

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Personally, I can’t imagine them foregoing HoPo back to something like a charge system, although I believed it was better than HoPo (works just fine on warrior’s Shield Block ability). We know they reverted back to HoPo for Prot and Holy while Ret already used because of resource management.

Blizzard pigeon-hole the spec into rotating defensive cooldowns because the ‘impact’ they were hoping to achieve with SoTR has not hit its mark (by flooding talents with AS synergy) and more than anything the Prot Pally community has doubled down on maintaining high up-time on SoTR and this has reinforced the design issue with the spec mechanically and their level of tankiness compared to other tanks more specifically warrior and blood death knight.

In addition, with hero talents like Templar, its rarely a priority to use AS unless refreshing SiA, and maybe BoF during StH window and other cases hold for interrupts because its more important to have uptime on SoTR than waste potential GCD on AS when the duration is low. However, LS is more lenient on AS and in 11.0.5 given the strength of the DoT damage of Refining Fire talent, I see priority of AS to keep that DoT active as long as possible; but will Templar builds bother with this talent to use AS, we’ll see.

Furthermore, SoTR functions as both a defensive and offensive ability, whereas you don’t have this design with other tanks but is it better because of the less cognitive load?

One possible outcome to all this is removing HoPo from Prot spec, SoTR is a defensive buff (DR, increased armor or block/heal of WoG, or whatever) with charges like Shield Block and WoG is a heal/absorb (make it function like Light of the Protector with a CD) like Ignore Pain/Frenzy Regen that operates on Mana and you restore Mana by weaving rotation abilities like Blessed Hammer/HoTR, and Judgment. Otherwise, revert the change of AS HoPo generation. I prefer to move away from HoPo in Prot.

If HoPo continues to stay, and if we would like to have a 3rd spender give us something that increases the effectiveness, damage, or healing of our next SoTR or WoG on a 30 second for instance.

This is something I keep pointing at as a problem.

Want to deal more damage as Prot and have 3 HP? Use SotR

Need to have more armor up to survive hits and have 3HP? Use SotR

Want to do this + reduce the CD of your big defensive? Use SotR

WoG doubling as a shield would be, IMO, a huge QoL improvement even within the HP system.

I stopped counting the number of times I’m sitting on a SL proc because I’m hovering around 60-70% HP.

When I feel bad about sitting on it for so long, I end up using it for a meager heal.
Streamlining it’s power instead of increasing it as you get low would stabilize our sustain and make it more predictable.

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