Make old fomo content earnable

Yes and No. It depends on each item. Some are required to return, others really don’t need to come back.

Who is the arbiter, then? Who decides? You?

The CM sets got a (somewhat less flashy) remodel for the Legion class halls and the MT appearances were just one of five for every artifact weapon. They’re not that unique.


I don’t have any challenge mode rewards and don’t think they should just be givenaway.

It’s like getting a job, not going to it… and wondering why you don’t have money

Yes, even to my own surprise. I made a popular topic a few years ago and the Blizzard developers actually did read it, because several points have been addressed by now.


Still no.



And also this is not what FOMO means or how it is used, no matter however much folks want to misappropriate language that’s tied to things such as societal inequality, mental health, and disabilities. Quit it!


Most of the “remodels” are outright gross. Looking at you DK class hall set…

For what it’s worth I think the CM mage set is the best mage set in the game and one of the best sets in the game overall. The class hall set for mage is…ok at best lol.

I hated the way ret played in Legion. I tried to play it but I just couldn’t do it. I have 2 paladins I play at cap right now and it’d just be cool to have another ashbringer model.

The Balance of Power appearance looks best anyways. This is true for many specs.

Cool story. But also completely irrelevant.

If an activity with a reward is time limited, it is time limited. It doesn’t make it FOMO (that sentence doesn’t even make sense, an object literally cannot be a type of psychological fear of peer pressure) and it doesn’t make sense to add back stuff that was time sensitive.

Cool old stuff is cool. You missed it, then look forward for future cool stuff you can earn instead. That’s how it works. You cannot go back and redo a challenge when it is easier to do it now than what it was like back then. That’s not how “challenges” work.

If you dislike that, then don’t bother. You didn’t bother during Legion but now afterwards when it is way easier you want the stuff you, by your own statement couldn’t be bothered to do?
Be real and less ridiculous.


They do look good. Also a big fan of evil ashbringer (hidden appearance).

You’re irrelevant.

I ain’t reading all that btw.

A tldr is you chose not to earn it back then so deal with it.


Here’s a TLDR: Grow up.


Don’t care. I’m still gonna ask. Can’t stop me.

Beggars beg. Chads play. :wine_glass:

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Keeps people coming back every season to push for elite sets and AotC.

Good luck convincing Blizzard to throw away money.

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FOMO only exists because things are rare or uunobtainable. If you make everything easy to get and unlimited nobody will care about anything in the game.

The only reason people revere Invicible is because it’s that proverbial carrot on a stick. Keep doing ICC for 84 years and maybe one day. Nobody cares about the OG wind riders because anybody can get them.