Make old fomo content earnable

Not a statement where I said I’d unsub if I didn’t get what I suggested.

Still not an admission where I said I’d unsub

Uh huh… Surely…

Bringing back old rewards = no reason to play currently, because I can just earn it all later.

FOMO keeps the wheel turning and it’s always been like that.

What are y’all even arguing about? :joy:

everything has fomo in the entire world

crypto has fomo. i feel bad for those people who paid 500 bitcoin for a pizza

however you cant change the past

every thing promotional has fomo.

Tbh I think they should in a form. Not a direct copy/paste.
Keep the exclusives exclusive. But maybe have reskins/recolors only available during tw with a means to earn them comparable to the originals.
Aka wod m+ dungeons during wod tw with a unique score to earn different challenge mode apparences from og wod.

People still think pixels means value or prestige?

You pay to access a server in which you own nothing.

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Dead horse that didn’t need to be resurrected to be beaten more. It’s not gonna happen.

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Considering the number of people who keep requesting for their return…
Yes. For everyone else those are mementos from overcome challenges.

For the people who want the stuff to return… they seem to think said pixels matter that highly as objects rather than as trophies.

So… no. They dont.

Its Percieved by many that it is, but to say they are is basically a faulty syllogism.

People were playing before they started taking things away.

The thing I don’t understand about posts like this is that you’re complaining that Blizzard was up front and honest with you about a limited time challenge being a limited time challenge.

When would it end?
Should we all get all the glad mounts? The glad sets? The titles?

I’ve always regretted not getting the warlock and Druid challenge mode sets in MoP but I don’t think they should come back. They’re gone and they should be.

If that were true you wouldn’t be demanding them.

IM ok with them removing myth tier sets and mounts.

Scheduling is in fact a skill. Its how I got CE in amirdrasil while working 60 hours a week and having a family.

Im not hardstuck but nice try, actually taking a break till next tier.

Yet here you are throwing insults over pixels you want. Cant even make this stuff up rofl

Again not hardstuck at all :slight_smile:

Dont start things and people wont dish it back.

You arent hurting me in the slightest as I dont care about peoples opinion of me.


Didn’t you mute and ragequit the thread? Welcome back?

You can have fun without demanding rewards that were removed.

Still mad I see…

Kinda funny that you get mad while not “caring”

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The difference is that I want them back even for people who are not me. I couldn’t care less about the rogue artifact appearances for instance as I never play that class, but I know other people do. I’m not the one trying to be selfish and revel in exclusive pixels, I want everyone to be able to earn everything in the game they paid and are paying for. It’s not like it’s new content, it’s already in the game files.

… of course it is!
The hell did you think it was? You do realize even a chunk of gold only has value because people perceive it to have value? Like… what kind of argument are you trying to make here?

Because so far you have made two arguments in favour of keeping time limited stuff time limited, but the stuff you are saying aligns you with the folks who for some reason think these things have some intrinsic value.
Decide what you actually stand by and just stand by it: are you insulting towards people who overcame challenges at the time they are available, or are you consistent enough to clarify that you are arguing to keep time limited stuff time limited. Which one is it?

People need to learn what selfish means, because what you are talking about isn’t selfishness, but you are talking about entitlement. Because we don’t pay for the stuff that’s in the game, we pay to get access to the servers. Wherein turn we decide how to spend our time doing what we want to do in-game.

You, or others, aren’t entitled to aspects of the game that a player didn’t participate in. A time limited event is time limited and then the world moves on as time progresses. This is a MMO, not a single player game with no persistent updates. Stuff becomes available, stays available, some of it for a time and some of it forever-until-further-notice, and then new stuff is added on top of that as well.

You aren’t entitled to areas of the game wherein you didn’t participate in. You want stuff that’s time limited? You needed to be there at that point in time and do the challenge to get it. The end.


Fair point, they should keep the removed items out of the game. Save you from becoming a no-life who slaves over pixels in a game. Blizzard doing you a favor rn.

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There are many ways around that. For example they could rotate stuff seasonally.

Things shouldn’t be made exclusive or time limited to begin with.

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I wasn’t arguing that they should, i was simply pointing out that FOMO can only be used against us if we actually believe them lol