Make old fomo content earnable

wouldnt it be cool though

No, there are quite a few ive seen that say put them on the trading post. Even if its recolors.

Do you not see the irony here as youā€™ve made 90 posts about these pixels?

Nah i have most of them and can mog them anytime. Iā€™m not a weirdo who cares for pixels and would rather let people enjoy the items Iā€™ve had exclusively for years now.

Yup totally made 90 posts you caught me chief hands are up come do something big bad forum man hiding on a 14 dwarf hunter profile instead of typing from their main.


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nah they want to prove their deattachment to pixels

a pat on the back

The 99% that do not do tryhard content. There are a LOT of casuals whos subs keep the game alive.

That is some angry trolling right there, the obfuscation is surreal.

And thereā€™s plenty of stuff for that 99% majority that you pulled out of your butt to earn.

If they unsubscribe because they canā€™t earn ONE weapon skin, they werenā€™t going to last anyways.

Its not ONE skin as you well know.

Nothing in the game should be locked forever.

Who said anything about unsubbing?

Using your logic youā€™re not allowed to farm the mythic mounts when the tier ends because I earned them while they were current and you couldnā€™t. It infringes on my prestigious reward. you also canā€™t have my mythic titles I earned while they were current because that devalues my accomplishments.

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Would it hurt your feelings less if I said they cannot earn .1% of all items because that .1% was time sensitive?

You and your friend. Please keep up with your own nonsense.

I would support this actually lol. Iā€™ll make this a suggestion for Blizzard right now, thanks for sharing.

My feelings are not hurt. Id have to value your opinion for that.
Im simply a realist. Wildstar went away because they catered to the 1%. I do not want to see wow end.

Quote where I said anything about unsubbing. Iā€™ll wait for you little guy.

Good. You better get to buying wow tokens to afford the carries for them <3

well that fomo content sure has wow dyingā€¦

last i checked 7m subs from GDC 2024.

its totally dying guys because some people cant get an old appearnace

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Nice avoiding the actual point.

Cite a source with actual links

random purposely dumb statement with 0 relevance to the actual topic at hand to incite anger / negative reactions.

It wont end because you are emotional about pixels, rest assured.

Again, please keep up with your own trolling.

Already have them. Hilarious that you think itā€™s difficult to get literally any mythic mounts lol.

No, it will end when the 99% have nothing left to achieve because its locked away.

idk what to tell you

blizz has a firm stance on this topic

and the fans agree

ā€œI canā€™t quote the guy saying heā€™s gonna unsub if he doesnā€™t get what he wants so I will quote random irrelevant things!!!ā€

Yup posting on a lvl14 dwarf so we canā€™t see that you had to farm it post cycle / paid for carries with gold.