Make old fomo content earnable

Not really the type of FOMO I’m talking about. What about the one shot and never coming back? CM sets/MT appearances?

They literally have like TWO unused recolors of the CM sets. I’m not talking about the abominations they created for the class halls. Legit CM set recolors in the game files. Just sitting and rotting. It’s a damn shame they’re not being used.

What I said covered that. It was a thing to do during the xpac. Xpac feature.
Each season of ksm has a unique mount for that season that poofs forever when the season ends.

Well, I don’t agree with it. I’ve already said I’m not quitting over it but I don’t like it. I’ll speak my mind about it in every topic.

Thats fine, but its not going to change any time soon if it ever does.

That’s fine as well. But this opinion is definitely in the minority.
People like exclusivity. If it didn’t work and people didn’t like it. Blizz wouldn’t continue to do it xpac after xpac.

A lot of entitled people in here.


Same. Maybe one day you’ll actually earn some stuff instead of crying about not having it years later :+1:

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You’re right, Blizzard was very clear with their famous “wall of no” regarding classic servers. I guess things will never change because they’re so set in stone.

Citation needed.

I looked at the CM gold Priest set and was like, “why I even bother getting this ugly POS”…

So many new things added to the game every day that are better. The FOMO stuff is mostly only cool because it is FOMO. There’s very few FOMO things that hold any value outside of being unobtainable.

Must be rough never getting the satisfaction…

I have 90% of the stuff I want. I’m not so petty and childish that I want it hoarded all to myself. I guess we can’t all nice people.

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Did you then look at the mage and druid sets? Those are the real winners.

I always thought the sets were extremely ugly. The only one I’d wear in current day is the Warlock set, which IMO is peak S-Tier mogability for the helmet alone.

Sure. That 10% is just stuff you didn’t earn.

I’m a nice person. I’m just not narcissistic and entitled to thinking i should have rewards I never earned

I’m glad I don’t have your eyeballs…

Two things can be true at once. Though FOMO is a marketing tactic, it is also known as “scarcity marketing” and it is used to prey on people’s emotions and trigger them to buy/invest/whatever.

Two things:

  1. How dare you?
  2. When’s the last time you visited your optometrist?

To each their own… IMO that Judgement set you’re wearing is far superior to the CM Gold set in MoP for Pally… So it’s the generic Hallowfall sets.

Aww you cared so much you edited my comment.

Must have really hit that sore spot

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