Are you guys serious?!
I just logged on to D4 and saw the lord eater barbarian armor. It looks amazing.
Fire the current mog department for wow and get the D4 guys over here. WHAT THE HECK.
I want samurai armor for plate wearers. Not the panderia garbage either.
Yup. Just what wow needs. $25 armor sets only usable by a few classes. /s
Let’s see here.
types in google search
Oh… oh wow, yes please.
Ideally it’d be earnable in game but honestly. Is it really different from what we have going on now?
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Oh, you want the for free?! I’ll let you know when I finish laughing.
WoW doesn’t do intricate armor sets like that. For one, the graphics are nowhere near the quality of D4s. Also, every set they make has to be adjustable to fit every race so there can’t be too many intricate details or else they will get distorted. For example, gnome helmets are much larger than most other races and Kul’Tirans “stretch” the stomach region of all armor they wear.
The Lord Eater Barbarian Armor set isn’t samurai armor but more Oni (demon) themed using Japanese mythos inspirations.
Given how the set looks, it could easily work for nealy all classes, but would be pretty badash for plate only as well.
Because that’s how tmog sets work these days 
And only seen from a long distance.
The armor the Samurai wore was more of a scale mail type of armor made of overlapping iron scales attached with rawhide. They didn’t wear plate. Too heavy.
True, pointless to want anything in this game. Best be happy with the painted on look because that’s all we’re getting with the skeleton crew we have working.
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They had Nanban armor which was basically plate mail.
I mean, I would have been happy if they had changed the way they did armor 20 years ago to match what the rest of the industry is/was doing but instead, they decided to stick with the paint and stretch method.
Sadly, it’s too late for them now.
D4 got some uhhhhmaaayyyyyzin transmogs
Honestly that’s the chief thing I absolutely despise about Kul’Tirans. The massive beer belly.
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No thanks, I don’t want to spend twenty to twenty-five U.S.D. for my tier set’s appearance.
Please don’t forget the katana. We need more of those also. Sadly wows graphics are just to outdated or cartoonish looking to get that much detail or depth to look good. That being said I’d still take a cartoonish version of that set any day of the week.
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AGREED!!! I made a Pandaren DK because the sword holding animation is so cool, but the only samurai helmet I can find that I like requires exalted rep with some MoP faction and aint nobody got time for that.
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Hell yeah, looks rad. Can’t fault d4 for its cool armor sets. Although you can fault it for locking the coolest sets behind a paywall.
I just bought it in D4. Im crying.
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