Make monks great again

He’s actually missing a lot more counterplay options from the other specs. Much stronger than running away haha.

As a fellow sub rogue, I wanna know why you even care so much about MW mobility. Its literally a non issue for you.

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why stop at stunbreak and mobility?
lets give MW interrupt, offensive CD, more damage, because they dont do as much damage as fire mages

Now it’s your turn:

How does one avoid a stun from a stealth class? Or an instant ranged stun? Can’t hide from what you can’t see.

we still haven’t got past the first logical fallacy of your argument,

baby steps

as i said earlier it’s not worth the effort, all you’ve done is talk in a circle and go nowhere, gj man

Resto shaman has 0 usable abilities while stunned.

Nature’s Guardian?

Oh passives. Gotcha.

Undo the nerf to fortifying brew and make it usable while stunned.

Return the BFA Life Cocoon state, possibly with a little extra down tuning but at least put it higher than it is now.

Bring back /cancelaura Roll there was no logical reason to remove the ability to do that other than for you to self CC yourself for the duration of the animation.

Bring back Soothing Mist while moving.

Remove target cap from spinning crane kick.

Etc, etc. Might be a start.

Actually I feel like you never really wanted to have a discussion, you just wanted to shut him down and argue… I’m guessing it’s because as a rogue your not a fan of people with more stun saves, and I could kind of understand that. however with what feels like an infinite amount of stuns in this game, everyone needs something.

The truth is Monks may have one of the best mobility as healers (Druids aren’t too shabby themselves), but with majority of their spells hard casted (at least the ones that can actually help people), and 0 ways to help out of stun other than a trinket it’s easy for them to be caught in a stun.

Especially with all the gap closers melee have, interrupts most classes have. A monk can get silenced, stunned, cc’d easier than you think even with their roll ability. If you want to base a class off of “Their mobility is why they can survive” than they need the tools to work within that confine.

Either give them more hots like druids, or make it so they can cast some of their heals while moving (even shammys have a talent, spell or pvp talent i can’t remember that lets them cast for a short period while moving). As far as stun goes.

He has a point. druids and rogues coming out of stealth will stun you ever time. so they should have to trinket the 1st move of half their games? Obviously not right? They need some sort of save to allow them to make it at least 2 go’s.

Let me ask you. If you open on a MW and he trinkets your kidney shot (assuming he makes it past your cheap shot), what would you do? Probably just blind and blow up his partner right? There’s way too much cc in this game not to have a save through at least one sort of CC, and a trinket. I know we want to speed up the game, but MW’s need a chance to make it more than 2 goes.

It maybe fun for rogue/mage teams or boomkin/anything to win in the 1st or 2nd opening 90% of the time, but healers really hate putting their hands over their face thinking I don’t even know what I can learn from that because it happened so fast.

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Still more than what Mistweaver has.

I’d settle for just this too, honestly. Even if I survive a stun with 5% HP remaining, at least I get the chance to decide my fate within the next GCD. Still better than taking my hands off the keyboard because I got caught in a full stun with no buttons to press.

No one wants a healer that has to be babysat for 70% of the match.

bring back dematerialize !!!

It’s mostly because I’m cynical and jaded, but thats because I know where this goes.

but you can’t read stuff like this and expect me to take him seriously, especially when he doesn’t have the :peanuts: to post from his main.

My argument is that you can’t give them stunbreak utility and have them as the most mobile class in the game. It breaks the game, simple as that.

The real problem with MW is that it chooses with the class with the most mobility and then leashes it via channels, why that choice in design is most probably because the ‘HoT’s’ role is taken by druid. I’m not saying monks don’t die in a stun, because they do - and to your answer your question no I don’t blind the trinket, I just wait the next go and kill them.

Why do paladins have the most stunbreak? (Bubble/bop)
Because they’re the one of the least mobile in the game.

As you move towards more mobile you get only 20% in barkskin,
and then nothing (monk).

Priest are somewhere between because their offensive pressure is supposed to make up for the low mobility, but hpal press judge for 8k+ off cd anyway lul

It’s obvious the class design is around proactive gameplay rather than reactive, which is a higher skillcap design. This is good for the game. They want you to use spells like ring of peace, incap, disarm, teleport on 20s (dual if legendary), rolls, freedom, aoe stun to stop enemy attempts, AND you have either a physical or magical wall on top of that. But channelling leash lul

If you follow the design then monks need to have something worse than barkskin - maybe the old ironbrew or w/e for 15% on their 3min CD, or cocoon since it’s absorb only rather than reduce but I’m not entirely sure about that last one.

Also you need a partner to peel. The game is balanced for 3v3.
( I think - I’m learning in 2’s atm)

I’ve been using this character to post on the forums for the past 12 years… I have 50 characters across multiple realms, four at level 60. My “main” changes each expansion.

At least I make the effort to play a class before I critique it, as evidenced by your conclusion as to what the “real problem with MW” is.

playing MW is masochistic, why would I subject myself to it?

I’ve put in words what’s wrong with the class, and how it fits into basic game and class design - but you can’t find anything wrong with ALL of those points listed above so you go ‘lol u dont play class so u know nothing.’

You can only manage a response to the personal jab because that’s all your smooth brain allows, hence why I said at the start of the thread it wasn’t worth the effort.

Foresight, hindsight, its all one to me when dealing with geriatric dwellers like yourself. But feel free to prove me wrong and point out any points I made being factually wrong, or even the ones you disagree with and why. Don’t hurt yourself though :face_with_head_bandage:


Like this has nothing to do with whats wrong with mistweaver i’m confused.