Make momentum go away

Please blizzard!!! Can you please redesign havoc away from momentum style specs and basing our damage in short cooldown windows. Please bring us back to the legion and BFA days. I honestly love demon hunter more than any other class, but finding it so annoying to play these days. Why do you not listen to the community that keeps insisting that the current class design is becoming unenjoyable. I know this is a massive whinge post, but I’m only writing it because I love this class and just wish they would listen to the community.


Movement for damage is the dumbest way to design a spec, and has failed with every class it has been tried on, including DH. It needs to all be deleted, or at least reduced to the fringe open world spec it should be.

Having some priority damage is a good thing. Essence break + demonic gives us that priority damage. What we don’t need is initiative, inertia, momentum, reavers mark, student of suffering etc… to stack on top of it.


I only play Vengeance because I don’t like when a spec is based so much on small windows

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I think at this point the best way forward is to create a movement spec tree and a non movement spec tree.

The player community is too divide for any other option


We can keep Momo, if I get to be as fast as I am in MOP Remix.

Our devs are horrible they never read or reply to our forums like other classes, probably eating flaming hot cheetos and playing xbox in thier office. I have tested, MMOs for most every company out there including Blizz. There is definitely a lack of communication between devs and leadership when it comes to ballence and work load. Some of the original devs were spot on and got to work with them again with other companys and chat. DH needs fixed months ago but sadly wont see any love by raid. The only way we get fixed now is through raid set bonuses but that litterally doesnt fix the actual class problems. Its a bandaid on a gunshot wound.

Why would you love DH except for movement if it’s literally the biggest sh* gameplay of the world without it, you have like one attack animation in the entire game, an AoE copy of warrior’s blade circling but green and the rest is like 1 use in minutes (essence break, demon, etc), movement is literally the only thing that makes DH not being CRUSHED by every other melee in the fun aspect

And everyone else who plays the game literally has the exact same preferences as you?

That’s odd.


I am convinced they are not reading that after so many requests regarding movement skills, as a viable option, it shouldn’t be a part of DPS rotation anymore. I’m desperate Maybe we should write in every other forum topics so it will get someone’s attention or when I go BlizzCon I will be the next meme guy making sure whoever is responsible for DH can start finding a new job.

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I like the movement but it feels a little wonky to me. If the target’s hit zone is big enough you can zoom across the front/back with ease, staying in attack range while keeping your auto-attacks going. As the hit zone shrinks, it feels like the movement takes you out of the damage zone and while you have ways to zoom back in doing damage as you go, it feels like for those few seconds I’m out of the fight. I don’t like this feeling.

I would like the movement to mean something damage wise but I don’t like it when the entire spec depends on it entirely. It’s too limiting and locks you into a certain play-style which might be detrimental depending on what you’re fighting. Options are good. I wish we had more of them.