Make Maladath a US RP-PvP server and allow OCE to transfer off

Delete Maladath or turn it into the RP-PvP server that people want.

Allow OCE to transfer off of the server if they wish to.

Maladath as it stands is a dead server, lets bring it to life and make it another option for those playing Anniversary.

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This is a Good idea


If you want to RP, shouldn’t you just go LARPing?

I never said I wanted to RP personally? I’m just saying that an RP-PvP server has been heavily requested, they didn’t give us the option.

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RP-PvP servers are generally very strong, I think you’re promoting gold here.


I don’t think OCE players want to play with NA players hence why they rolled there and not here.

I mean why not? We have to play with US anyway in battlegrounds so idk what the difference is, 160ms on Dreamscythe for us in Australia is 200% playable. We have heaps of guilds here and even on Nightslayer.

The only issue is Nightslayer is East Coast so technically more ping than Dreamscythe and people not wanting a PvE server.

OCE cope holding onto “muh ping” is the reason why the server is dead.

It was a dead server before it launched.

I think the people who rolled there should be studied.

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I remember during TBC Classic… 1 guy literally 1 guy turned against our own region and made Blizzard revert the battleground change to “OCE” only.

We literally had zero battlegrounds… it was impossible outside AV weekend to do even do a battleground.

Blizzard decided they would throw us in with US and we loved it… a few days later this 1 guy ruined it for the entire region and they took us out of q’ing with US.

Literally had zero battlegrounds for 6+ months… because of 1 loud person screaming “MUH PING THO” :melting_face: :melting_face: :melting_face:

There is something freaking wrong with us down under istg :joy:

Oh god… was it Andycloud?

Chimps name was Elron, he’s playing Anniversary too and on Maladath :melting_face: :melting_face: :melting_face: have seen him in AV. Guess he can’t complain about US servers now haha.

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Is that the guy who constantly bumped every GDKP post in addition to making his own?

I think so but I’m not certain? Guy is a blight on this community.

Remember when I told you all, and blizzard, to make a US-West RP-PVP server (instead of an AU server) for all the aussies and RP’ers to thrive on? Where is that server…

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I don’t understand why there are so many restrictions on these servers. If you want to leave maladath why stop us? If you want to leave nightslayer, why stop us?

Wonder if this will happen

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Dead servers are an opportunity to play the game as it was intended to be played. Popular realms bring a culture of monetization that so-called dead realms don’t suffer from. You should seize that opportunity and make the Maladath server your own.

It’s worth pointing out that you don’t need a full 40-man raid speed clearing every raid in a week to have a successful and engaging WoW experience. You can get started with 15-20 players and that will attract more, I promise you!

If you want an example of what that can look like, come check out Grobbulus. It’s something I highly recommend for players who actually enjoy playing the game, not buying their progress. Unfortunately it’s an NA server so not very good for OCE folks, though honestly, probably still playable :slight_smile:

Yep, they didn’t listen. They gave into OCE crying about no server, cried when it was going to be PvE and now crying it’s dead. We should have the RP-PvP server and hopefully Blizzard does something to address this.

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I bet if I go over right now it is horde locked ooh alliance locked atm also 11:00 am.

Not likely.

Arugal in cata rots and its alliance have asked for mercy. None has been granted.

The funny bit is some of its alliance would take a free faction change to horde. They’d stay oce server…on the side that actually has people.

Their issue is not even pvp balance concerns. Alliance pve is hard to do with like 600 dudes. their rdf is slow, raid limited as 600 is only so many raid runs a week.