Make leveling matter again

Leveling has never mattered.

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I’d rather have to play through a story, at least the first time, than hit some arbitrary level.

I never do endgame content. I prefer a story to speed runs.


PvP is dead on retail and has been dying, it’s sort of the black sheep of the game. The sooner they rework it entirely and do what FFXIV did with PvP the better - that is, make it its own thing.

The game was filled with bugs pre and post chromie time as well. The level scale issue is just an ilvl issue - they need to buff ilvls so that it isn’t so contrastingly hard compared to hitting max and slapping some gear on yourself.

They started to in BfA but then abandoned it immediately after lmao. The new starting zone option is actually great and a good first step in the right direction but that’s it - exile’s reach is all we got.

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i want to see how they do mop remix. if they do it well, other expansions could get the same treatment and get remixes within chromie time so she can be revamped if they keep it.

something needs to give bc i shouldnt have to lvl lock to stay in old world stuff and crap lol.

I would love to see them introduce a rotating Remix expansion that lasts for 3-4 months with a month in between or just back-to-back. And let us ‘rebirth’ a character we like to use for it over and over again.

Well it feels like an Amusement park MMORPG because that’s what wow is and has been for a long time now. Wanting wow to be anything different right now would be like getting blood from a turnip.

This is valid, the multiple level squishes have kind of thrown everything out of wack, but also its wow there’s not much more to explore or find unless new content comes out, wow has been very thoroughly turned over. Still, however, I wouldn’t mind seeing things fixed for new players. Maybe a new streamlined MSQ for lower levels. since its kinda impossible to give “classic” story with everything thats changed.

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leveling hasnt been hard since wrath of the lich king.

Isn’t the Pandaria Remix basically everything you are asking for?

I think your conflating your personal likes with what is the objective part of the game experience. leveling is still a part of the game. that would be like if i said I dont like raiding therefore raiding has never been a part of the game. which is objectively incorrect.

How about an XP scale where we can choose the percent of XP we get? Like 10%-100% sliding scale then we, the players, can choose how fast we get XP and slow or speed up the leveling experience.

You can just level lock yourself to gear up then unlock, gear up, unlock like every 5-10 levels. Inconvenient ofc, but it’s a valid way to play.

A bit clumsy, but that would work. A sliding scale would be easier to use though.

Agreed, it’s just what we have currently for those who wanna progress slower.

People complain about how leveling is so painfully hard or too dressy and then complain about it’s too fast or too slow.

It’s like there are no winning solutions.

Make it harder = lose players

Make it easy = complain how it’s so easy

Make it fast = too fast to endgame

Make it slow = it’s a slug and takes to long to hit endgame


If they let us choose our pace like Turgan said, they could also let us finally upgrade and make OP BoA’s again if people wanna be that, or not. Let players be in charge of their own difficulty and speed.

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then you would end up with scenarios where your quest capped and have to grind mobs to progress because you choose 10% and are sitting at level 65 in thaldrazzus.

I didn’t say it’s not part of the game.

Only that the design focus clearly shifted after vanilla. Once TBC hit, the main focus became max level activities.

I am by no way implying it should be removed. Only that I would disagree with bringing the main focus of WoW to leveling again.

That being said, leveling needs a make over regardless on many fronts.

If I had to pin down four problems-

1: The on-boarding experience is miserable in WoW. The newbie island is too brief and just dumps you into the game, which will then try to pull you in at least three directions, when only the most current content really matters.

2: Chromie time is made for leveling alts.

3: There is zero reason for veteran players to interact with old content besides leveling alts.

4: PVP is miserable.

At the very least I’d expand on Newbie Island to help new players with a kind of crash course on WoW, and I’d trim the fat on the new player experience. New players hitting Stormwind and Ogrimmar will get directed to no fewer than three different expansions (BFA, SL and DF, none of which make sense in context) which is a terrible idea. New players should be getting a story quest chain that takes them from level 10 to level 60 (once per account, you can replay the story quests but each time after that first round it’s dramatically less experience) while taking them from important lore character to important lore character to important lore location to important lore location. Maybe the new player wont know the fine details but they’ll at least understand what the races are, what they’re about, who the major actors in the lore are, and what the major regions of WoW are. Rather than simultaneously hitting a new player with the breadcrumb quests for BFA, SL and DF at the same time.

I’d also go a step further, since badges are back, sort of. Veteran players should have the option to scale to lower level content, and content should be standardized around level ranges (so, everything from '04 through MOP is 1-30, 40-60 is WOD to DF) and players using this system should get tangible rewards for doing so. Blizzard should be in the practice of down-scaling every expansion to the 40-60 bracket once the new expansion comes out so that 60-70 is always the fresh expansion leveling bracket.

I’d also streamline crafting and gathering so that prior to the current expansion, all gathering materials fills into a series of pre-defined types (So, everything from Peacebloom to Purple Lotus becomes a genericized, “Alchemical Herbs” item, and everything from copper to mithril becomes “Common Metals” while something like Dark Iron and Thorium becomes “Rare metals” for crafting recipes. Prior to the current expansion all craftable gear should also have some degree of level scaling.

I’d also streamline PVP so that prior to the current expansion you’re not playing your character so much as the idea of a given character. So every player of a given class in the same level bracket is roughly identical.

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You mean old content that has been gone through anywhere between two and twenty years ago isn’t regularly being updated?
Say it ain’t so!

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