This FOTM rerolling fury warriors and affl locks really really makes this game extremely unfun on the first day of rated and we get to wait for some doggy rear tuning come in a patch at a later date TOP KEK. Honorable mentions for making this game really unfun: WW monk, Every mage to ever be born, Unh dk being unkillable, Ret just being ret. GGS
Just get better
Hmmm. I kind of liked the legendary thing from Dragonflight where it takes some time and effort to get that last little 2-5% but not forever to get the char setup.
BFA gearing showed us that people will neckbeard out whatever they have to for fotm.
This could be pres/disc making everything really unfun too, dont know just drenched in sweat playing twos right now on rogue
The problem is there is no class loyalty.
You aren’t rewarded for it
Tuning takes forever and often things go thru that leaves everyone going ???HELLO??
If you want the best rewards for the least amount of effort, fotm rerolling is the way to go its never been easier to level alts/gear.
simply put if you say are one of those players that are loyal to off meta specs/comps do you really enjoy playing what FEELS like twice as hard for twice the frustration when you could just roll an alt and play fotm and cruise control?
Yeah, there’s actually no reason to stick with a char unless the comfort factor offsets the fotm aspect. There’s an elite set at 1800 but everything else is shared or account-wide.
Mortal strike Mortal strike
I mean if you got friends that dont mind u griefing them for playing a dogwater spec and dont mind getting farmed at 2k for 3 hours a night vs overgrown 1500s on fotm sure.
Everyone else? Nah just play whats strong if ur serious about pushin
problem with leveling and gearing is that it creates a huge time sink, so people only want to go with what is super op because of that time sink
take away lvling and gearing and people would try more different things more often
why sink 40+ hrs into something that is already known as bad? right, just go with the safe option
It’s a lose/lose if you look at it from Blizz’s pov.
We could go back to hard gearing/long leveling/“class loyalty” gameplay - but then there would be an uproar about alt accessibility.
But if you make it easy to gear and everything alt-friendly, then everyone fotm rerolls.
Personally I think it’s fine the way it is as long as tuning is kept in check. There’s a few outliers right now but nothing major. With this xpac Blizz actually caved and are doubling down on alt-friendliness more than ever with things like Warbands.
If I want long leveling and time consuming gearing I’d just play Classic. I prefer to be able to jump right in, to an extent, with retail.
I’m loyal to my class cuz playing WoW without deaths advance and magic shell is a huge yikes
This is what we dont want. Leveling and gearing being a huge time sink stops majority of players from fotm rerolling they are stuck with their first choice.
I feel that.
i need blink and portals to travel around. Other classes feel very linear in how they have to play and mage feels like it has a million options every global.
I would like to see one expansion with aggressive bi weekly class tuning for PVE/PVP for the first time ever to have ever spec within 1% of each other and towing the line. You’d see spec loyalty then. Won’t ever happen though
Strict spec tuning, talent/honor talent tuning and racial balancing/revamp to balance the factions out. Now wouldn’t that be a thing to behold.
Yeah i mean they cant even do more than a single tuning for a brand new expansion that has some serious balance issues.
Absolutely I agree. But we’re 20 years in and they’ve never done that ever. They don’t have the resources/care to use the resources to do that kind of stuff that often.
I’m no developer but it’s pretty obvious the devs are constantly crunched for time with deadlines and whatnot to push out content at a fast pace. There’s no way they’re doing that unfortunately.
+1 and sadly the way they used the next tuning as bait and tossed it into the upcoming “big” patch tells you the future of this game under microsoft. Lure players in and let them down but promise the fix and more in an upcoming patch! Anyway to bait people into continuing subs and attracting new ones. Which is fine for the game they want PvE but will absolutely bury pvp.
achiev/rewards need to go back to char specific.
idk how people do rated on the first day ofseason. im far too garbage for that
i aint trying to get matched up vs pikaboo, jahmili and allathat before i even hit my max rating of 1400
The sad thing is your not, it’s life long challengers and rivals already hitting pr 2s ratings queing fury/disc or ww/pres mix match how you’d like.
Ya. 16-3 atm,1 loss from dc, 2 losses from fury war + dragon. Not really sure how to beat that if the dragon presses damage buttons. I had 100 mil, fury war had 60 mil, and dragon had 45 million. My healer oomed, dragon was at 47% mana… dragon can REALLY have its damage nerfed XD
Also, why does dragon have infinite mana but hpal has resto druid mana?