cool ill play poorly on purpose then and have you kick me. its not leaving if im being removed. force me to be somewhere i dont want to be ill sandbag 100%
extremely unreasonable
They add it to vote to kick. Unreasonable
If you want to leave the group to eat or deal with RL stuff, deserter would be a non issue since you wouldnât be playing anyways but wasting other players time by queuing in the first place only to leave after first boss.
you cant ban people for playing poorly. how are you going to tell if im actually bad or faking it?
Is forum sentimentality an indication for what itâs like grouping up with people this expansion? Because if so, I think Iâll happily just stick to the follower system for now.
Iâm just telling you the reality of how they will do it.
You. Chose. To. Be. There. If you donât want to be there, donât queue for the dungeon? Like, how are you not getting this? How can someone actually be so far gone that they see that theyâll be punished for acting toxic, and to try and avoid getting in trouble, they act even WORSE. You have the mentality of my 4th grade students.
they will never hand out bans for being terrible, m+ and raiding and pvp is a fraction of the playerbase. so i have a out. its a random heroic who really cares. m+ is a different story you dont want to brick someones key thats bad manors
So you have a right to constantly ruin things for others? Games have leaver penalties for a reason. Leaving once is whatever, things happen, but if you keep doing it repeatedly, you should absolutely be locked out. Works great in FFXIV with 30 minute lockouts.
Thankfully not even remotely. Generally itâs quiet in-game.
Nah got back to FFXIV, WoW is for gamers, not snowflakes.
not being good at the game isnt toxic, ive smurfed before in fps games for ranked play and tanked many matches to get a low rank. im familiar with sandbaging ranks
It just needs to be longer, and even longer for repeat offenders. If you wanna make a farm group do that, but temp bans from group finder need to happen. Manipulating the system is against tos and that is what they are doing.
You do not need to ban people for this.
Although the vast majority of players do agree that the current deserter debuff should be 7 days to prevent this level of toxicity.
highly unreasonable