this event is aids without faction tags, boomkin = auto win and everyone else gets shafted. nerf elites to 5-10 runes instead of 30 and let everyone who tagged loot it. pls fix it
expecting blizzard to make wow content that isn’t scuffed is like expecting biden to wake up it’s just not gonna happen
Yes please! The invasion is beyond horrible to do with only 2 layers.
Agreed. It needs a faction tag so everyone has a shot at loot.
The other faction jacking your crystal elites is fair game. Your own faction doing it is rough because you can’t PVP to settle it. Thus, it becomes a macro spam fest when the elites pop.
I have been trying to tag an elite since this event started and have yet been able to do so, i just want my shoulder enchants unlocked. THIS IS NOT FUN.
They are ignoring us. You have to go make a bluesky (whatever tf that is) account and send aggrend feet pics to get a reply
Or just cancel your sub.
Like, it sounds snarky. But I promise you all if enough did this you’d only be out of the game for a month before changes were made.
Faction tagging would solve this. It also should have been in from the start. All the servers are mega servers now. They need to start designing things with this in mind
We need some kind of an update or this is dead content.
welcome to classic you must be new here this is the same event from 2020 # deal with it
2020 Classic didn’t have megaservers. These world events don’t work on these servers.
I like how we have 4-5 weeks of PTR and then the game still releases in a broken and unplayable state.
Every single invasion point is swarming with 10+ people. It’s impossible to get tags and if you group, that means you have to roll against 10 people for every rune and get almost nothing.
yes it did pagle and benediction are both huge servers
Don’t forget about the 2 or 3 people that refuse to join the raid and run around sniping tags.
They were nowhere near these megaserver populations.
false CS has 11k wild growth has 9k at one point both pagle and bene had over 12k people i think bene at one point had clkose to 18k
Event sucks
Those were huge servers, but not the only servers available. I’m sure you can see the difference.
there are other sod servewrs they ar just dead
They just need to make more layers.