Make hunters spell casters

Yes you do.

You want what we got.



Well the easiest class just kicked your backside.


You play a frost mage…it is an easy spec. My alts are a frost mage and DH. I like easy lol

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Nope just annoying

But you still couldn’t beat the most easiest class to play, and with one of the biggest shortcomings. Perhaps you might take Sardorim advice and try playing a hunter before coming to our forums to cry?


I think he fears that once he goes Hunter he’ll not want to go back.

What a fun class. I have 3 of them and they’re all enjoyable.

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I have 6 hunter alts. I am really addicted to taming pets.


I like taming as a theme.

My human tames everything.

My Lightforged only tames light themed or colored pets. So they’re in SL right now.

My gnome only wants to use robots but as they’re MM they don’t bring pets into dungeons. They’re in cata as I wanted to go through the gnome storyline set up by Cata.

I’ll eventually make more as I’ve tried other classes but Hunter just feels right compared to them.

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Tell me you’ve never played a hunter without telling me you’ve never played a hunter.


Done same with my hunters, and named pets based on the culture that each race is based on.


You guys are too easy, i definitely found the loudest class no wonder they op

I agree, also, mages shouldn’t be able to use frost spells when it is hot out. Fire spells when it is cold. Let’s get realistic up in this mutha.


This would be a good change kinda like druid night/day

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I just hit vald rep 23 so i can tame dragons…as MM player :face_exhaling:


Ive been thinking about playing mage. You should play hunter. Then we can share notes.

I still grinding it. Really asinine decision to lock a pet class behind a long rep. The otters were a small grind and a quest before being able to tame, which should have been available from the start. If dragonkin were same I could be fine with it, but it just more time Blizzard wants to add to play time.

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I got otters on accedent. Also the new quest give like 250 rep each so go knock those out becuase i hit it last night with 2 quest then logged off.


It’s called disarm mate.


Yes I am very glad for the boost. I also need the Tuskarr backpack for my mog to grind.

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I litterally grabbed that too lol

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