Respectfully, I don’t think you are. I think you are doing what I said earlier:
You are not addressing your gameplay.
The variance is EXACTLY your gameplay and knowledge of how to play into the class.
Yes, paladin has bop and bubble, so you have to take those into account and know how to play around them.
When I play moonkin, I can root beam disc priests, paladins, and evokers and win games with that ability.
I cant do that versus resto druids and rshaman, so I need to adjust my script.
If there’s a hunter, paladin, feral, or dh dps, i also can’t root beam the healer unless I cross the dps first. So again I need to adjust my gameplay. That doesn’t mean a certain class or comp is a counter, I just need to use my tools differently. Paladin is no exception.
You just don’t know how to play versus paladin, where you do into other healers. And that’s okay. That’s why you’re 2100, you still have a lot of room to learn!
Grommash is not entirely related to blademasters, he is one for gameplay purposes in WC3, not in lore.
If I buy 7 chocolates, where 6 of them have similar taste, but the 7th chocolate has an olive in the middle and I say that the 7th chocolate is bad, variant it’s not me who has a problem with my taste, the variant is the olive.
If i face a non-paladin healer
I won’t waste 20 seconds of uptime getting destroyed while I have to wait for my opponents to not being immune to all my sources of damage
I’ll consider cocoon as a similar skill to “BOP”, if monk coccoons player A, i can target monk.
If paladin BOP target A, i can’t target paladin because he still have divine shield and a 2º BOP.
Thats the difference.
Took me 2 months to get itlootin the thing every single day. May take less time if you have multiple kyrian plate wearers with the anima conduct upgraded
This is a REALLY bad analogy, because it removes all personal accountability.
You don’t have control over taste profile, you do have control over your play.
A better analogy would be, “i usually play fine and can win at chess, go, monopoly, candy land, and stratego, but i always lose when i play checkers”. It doesnt mean that checkers is an unfair or imbalanced game, no matter how many posts you make about board state or the rules regarding kings. It means that you just dont know how to play the MU.
So… dont? 2 bops and 1 bubble per game basically. If someone is bopped, hit someone else. If someone is bubbled, hit someone else. If everyone is bubble/bop, then you cant hit anyone anyways so just line and play safe because you’re going to win super soon. It doesn’t matter if youre not doing anything if they aren’t either.
You can know how to cook 6 different kinds of vegetables, but that doesn’t mean you know how to grill a steak even if there are similar overlaps of knowledge. It’s still a skillset you have to learn. The issue is 100% undeniably your gameplay or every warrior would be stuck around the same cr.
These are multiple conditions i don’t have to fill against any other healer…
Theres some possibilities around this suggestion
If they are in range.
If i’m not rooted
If i’m not slowed
If i have charge
If they are in range.
If i’m not rooted
If i’m not slowed
If i have charge
repeat… if i’m not slowed
if leap is avaiable
theres another possibility, even if i fullfil all those conditions maybe its not enough… and i die before my enemy, because my enemy DOENS’T NEED TO FULLFIL ALL THOSE CONDITIONS, they have a 10-20 second of uptime ahead of me, paladin is the sole reason for this
Its amazing how you just genuinely take all accountability out of every scenario. Its the unique situation that always changes to suit your narrative on warrior. An ever changing "all paladins bubble when ive got no charges, no leap, no intervenes, no mobility, no trinket, no teammates " like just accept the general advice. Hes not breaking down a vod for you hes trying to bring your mind out of the dark tunnel you’re clearly stuck in.