I agree here. Actually with your entire post. Good post.
I’m doing this, the posts I make are exactly the consequence of doing this.
But to make conclusions there is something called variant.
Here comes the question, if the game has 7 healers, where 6 have a certain expectation, which I consider fair within their imperfections, but only 1 of them (paladin) has an outcome completely disproportionate to the others to the point that I almost lose ALL times I face paladin, because, I have to miraculously survive multiple bubbles.
The variant cannot be my gameplay, if among the 7 healers only 1 has a disproportionate result in relation to my gameplay.
Solo shuffle works almost like a race, where when I face a paladin the enemy team has a 20 to 30 second advantage at the start.
Your whole toolkits 4 xpacs ahead of everyone else i dont want to hear that
It is fine as it is. We have piercing howl too, remember that.
Of all the melees, tell me which melee has the lowest damage uptime of the game
probably monk tbh
arent u literally a blademaster clone
ok thats a yellow card for both of you
http s://ibb.co/2WxDZJs
In this whole planet theres literally 0 players or characters like me
This is where you lose credibility, only when playing perfectly (not achievable) is your own gameplay not a variant.
Hpally is getting tan over by melee trains in the shuffle right now.
literally an npc
or he could just get a dk to chains it for him and never press hamstring again
Ya man super rare mog!
Enhance is still back in tbc as far as class design goes lmao
Are you implying there’s no orcs warrior players RPing the WC3 hero?
In the first place you’re literally wearing trader post beads designed to suit your mog. It’s so original that blizzard did a tailor fit. Wow.
I’ve said like me, not similar to me, blademasters are not the same to each other, corrupted grommash above in green suit has literally nothing to do with me
shirtless green orc warrior #49
That’s not how literally works. He’s quite obviously the inspiration or at least his non-stylized base wc3 hero is. You can’t say the inspiration has nothing to do with the homage. They’re entirely related.
How you qualify your character / uniqueness is up to you. You’re the only Orc Warrior named Broxikor who RP’s WC3 Blademaster while also posting on the Arena forums about paladins consistently overstating the strife arms warriors face. yeah, sure. Agreed.
I didn’t think it was possible, but he has a mog that is even worse than yours
check ur dms
Varick Here. I just wanna be #50.