Make hammstring auto-apply like other classes do OR buff hammstring from 50% to 70% slow

No counterplay.

Remind me to come back to this part later. I have a couple purple ones i like.

Also I just got off work going to watch the video in the next 10 minutes, response will be delayed because I need to do somethings but the video is about to get watched.


What a wild ride. My favourite bit is the MS paint illustration where he doesn’t think he can meaningfully run down the time remaining of his healers stun lining around a pillar while throwing up D stance.

Even if he got caught 3 seconds after, with d stance up and the druid still tranq’ing, if you’re just going into stun and your healer is getting out you’ve effectively stopped the go since you’re not fighting an ele shaman than can 100-0 you in 0.8s through defensives.

Also what’s with the constant victim complex? You’re getting mostly constructive criticism here, and yet you’re screeching like they held your hands to the element on your stove as some sort of torture.


i don’t have any doubt about that :joy: :joy: :joy:

greatest criticism of all time

The insane part is that he’s STILL doing it, too.

You can keep trying to be disingenuous by taking fractions of quotes out of context, but it’s not gonna change the reality that you’re wrong here, friend.

Quote the whole comment if you’re confident in yourself; don’t be a coward. Say it with your chest.

Watch your own vod, man. The rogue doesn’t even have sprint and you don’t have crippling poison on you either. If you’re still confident we can test it in game right now. :slight_smile:

Having watched the video and read the breakdown, I think you’re pretty on spot with it. I don’t really have anything to add to it. Solid.


Broxikor’s arms are still bigger than yours. :muscle:

Ok now I’m done.


Warrior has 2 types of snares lol 2 charges lol a leap lol an intervene that we will count lol 2 stuns lol. AND A BEYBLADE with 70%.

Sounds like a you issue, not to be rude

So from your POV as a warrior player, do you think that Brox is correct that skill doesn’t matter and balance matters more? Or would you say that skill has a bigger impact on games than balance?

Oh buddy, read through the thread.

I think, cope aside, we can all agree skill matters a lot.

I hate hate hate to give solo shuffle much credit, but honestly, there’s a reason warriors like Magnusz, Laros, Mud, Joefernandez, etc. all wind up 2800+ regardless of comp, regardless of warrior strength, etc., and people like Brox and myself flounder around well below that.

Obviously, skill matters.

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a beautiful thread by the way, where individual X says that balance has no impact, individual Y says “yes, I agree 100%”
Impecable logic :ok_hand:

i played against him once
http s://

I agree. It’s a thread full of dozens of posts where you’re in denial. The good thing is I think that your obstinate refusal to acknowledge reality has helped them recognize a lot of things they can improve themselves!

Then despite a full vod review (a vod that you selected btw) you still denied and disagreed with all the factual information presented and tried to argue semantics.

Whole lotta doublethink from you, Brox. Orwell would be proud.

why is my bread not rising help

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I’m glad you quoted whole context
I was measuring paladins (not my game with nahj) but for some reason (malice) you are linking them

Yes. It was your initial commentary. Which led to you saying that it was class balance why you were losing, and then you linked a vod to humble brag that I reviewed o.O Like I just said.


No malice, just a good cautionary example for the community. There’s a ton of helpful information in the thread and a lot of unhealthy commentary from you. I think it’s really good for people to read so they can learn!

How many crayons do I need to consume daily to be this brainless

Brox bro stop. You are forum pvping for 2-3 days straight. Everything has been said about your takes. Its time to rest now.


my bread is ruined :frowning:

They are not correlated. Theres no “cautionary” example.
I’m the one in denial? MR.BALANCEDOESNOTIMPACTTHEGAME :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :ok_hand:

If you don’t see the connection between the comments you’ve made in this and every thread and people telling you that skill matters more than balance, IDK what to tell you.

Yes. You are. Skill matters more than game balance, and your own vod that you linked shows that. Read the review, it’s all there, bro.