Make Friends and Adventure together!

One of Wow’s, as well as every other mmorpg out there selling point in it’s advertisements is the one big enticement for people to play is to make New Friends and Socialize with other players. Well taking into account the internet, that should be true. Since a mmorpg is a nexus of people on the internet numbering hundreds of thousands if not millions.

And yes, some people do join guilds. Some people do form temporary parties. And of course many people run through DF groups fighting mobs but not speaking to each other. As soon as they get to the last boss the group disbands.

But Then is the promised or at least alluded to making of friends and socializing with other people true? From what I have seen in game and discussions in the forums my conclusion is that the majority of the Wow population has very little socialization with each other. Most players just plod through the quests ignoring for the most part other players.

It’s more like people riding the New York City subway. The train cars are packed with people but no-one speaks. No one wants to even make eye contact. No one wants to get involved with anyone else.

So what do you think. Is Wow a magnet for friendly social personalities? Are the mechanics, environments, and communication technology conducive to people forming bonds of friendship? Do people try to put their best foot forward in an effort to be pleasant? Or are some people too toxic to deal with?

Do people really want to make friends or would they really not be bothered?
Or is it the game itself is not really optimized for socializing?


I got tonnnns of friends in game.
Sure, they’re all in my pet collections tab… But they matter dang it!
:giraffe: :dracthyr_comfy_sip: :heartpulse:

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Please don’t.

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I raid with my guildies, who are the closest people I have to friends, on Tue/Wed and then I spend the rest of the week in Pug City.

I usually socialize with people in trade/general or even people out and about in the world. And I sometimes get bnet requests which is pretty cool. Overall, I talk to anyone and everyone.

I personally believe WOW attracts all sorts of people. I don’t believe it’s only one select group. Sometimes, you’ll meet really cool people other times, some people are well not the best to talk to.



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I talk and make friends with quite a few people. The thing is that not everyone wants to do M+ or raid. A lot of folks want to get together and watch others play something or play together and have fun.

The magic of vanilla was a taste of the unknown mixed with meeting new people and having fun. Now it’s just… idk we know everything.

That’s why I like the secret finding stuff in wow is it’s new and it takes a minute or two to figure out with folks from all parts of the player base getting together to solve mysteries.

lmao no, i have friends irl for that

Pix or it didn’t happen.

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There are a lot of awful people that play this game and I would literally never want to be friends with them let alone even give them the time of day.

But there are also a lot of really nice and amazing people that play this game and the good news is you only need to make friends with a handful of them to enjoy playing this game with other people while ignoring all of the awful people.

Just like in real life, all you gotta do is just socialize with people and be friendly and they will probably want to socialize and be friendly with you back. But if you’re like “gaming is for being a huge jerk to people for no reason”, don’t be surprised if people want nothing to do with you, which is exactly what they would do if you treated them like that IRL, too.

Today I was watching a duel, the shaman lost and then was instantly killed by a level 1 wolf that had gotten into the mix.

I burst out laughing so hard… I’m not sure why I have no friends in game?
:dracthyr_comfy_sip: :heartpulse:

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I use TRP3 and socialize quite often. Roleplay is still a thing in WoW.

Make friends with this so called community adventure together with this toxic game players I would rather sit in boiling lava in the middle of a volcano than have anything to do with others from this game.

lol I would have laughed too. That’s fantastic. xD

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The downfall of the game started when Blizzard began coddling people in late Wrath who didn’t want to play with others. The coddling has accelerated (and playerbase continued to drop) ever since.

Blizzard stopped caring about people who wanted to play an MMORPG, or even a social game at all, and started catering to people who just looked on it as “another video game”.

With entirely predictable results.

I don’t think WoW is the best place to make friends, at least now. Back then it was easy to group up and build friendships. I think the best socialization is getting friends you have outside of WoW and get them to start playing so you can solo dungeons together, quest, or roleplay.

I tried making a friend thread and only 2 people have added me. It seems not everyone’s eager to be friends now days. They’ll be kind on the forums but I believe due to toxicity of the internet in general people are wary of adding people now days.

Time and time again, I’ve tried to make friends and in the end they all moved on without me. Yeah im done with that continuous cycle. Idk why i continue to play this game… I can feel a negative vibe from ppl the moment i enter A ebg. Very off putting for for someone thats resevered. Although i met one friendly guardian druid from a random dungeon. But idk my spark for this game is depleting more and more by the second noone really grabs my attention like before. Just stale encounters. At least i know im welcomed in other games. Unlike here ppl walk away from you like you got cooties. Utterly strange lol.