Make Epic Battlegrounds unable to be queued into Premades

I think that’s a bit of a stretch to be honest.

Your right there, some aspects of PvP have been neglected. Case in point is the state of epics not being policed and cheating syncs at dealt with.

I see why people might call it a bit of a delusion. You might not see what I see in epic battlegrounds (eBGs) if you don’t play as much as I do. Here’s what I’ve observed about Horde PUGs:

Case 1: Ashran
PUGs were told not to quit Ashran after losing the Ring of Conquest (RoC). We showed them what to do in the aftermath of an RoC loss. Now, only the real horde quitters leave Ashran.

I don’t have permission to share certain strategies because I didn’t come up with them, but I count 5-6 more strategies that Horde PUGs have learned from the guy with the skull. I mean, I’d say his name to give him better props but forum rules is king. Anyway, they can execute 2-3 of these strategies with or without him now.

However, there seems to be a certain time range where the Horde often performs poorly. It’s between 3 PM - 9 PM EST, based on my observations.

It is sad that most people only know basic zerging and have lost the appetite for epic fights in EPIC battlegrounds.

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Telling people where to zerg in an epic isn’t trademarked. :rofl:

Hardmode isn’t zerging. Sorry to disappoint you.


There really aren’t any new strategies for this BG so it’s probably safe to say it. Maybe it is new to pugs but not Ashran vets. The people who played it for thousands of hours before it even became a BG already know all the strats.

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Hmm - mother always taught me not to play with my food …