Make Enhance Ascendance Great Again

Can we just make ascendance baseline already and have a talent to reduce the cooldown to bring it in line with other classes CDs in relation to its power? I miss the burst storm (not the DRE proc build) play style.


Not unless they give it an appearance overhaul.

Friggin hated having to turn into that thing last season.


Agreed the appearance is horrible. They haven’t updated it since CATA! And that’s literally classic content now…. The glyph in WoD was sick but they removed it for some damn reason.


Crazy how the biggest complaints for ascendance are the appearance of it lmao. There is no reason this 15 second not even that strong cooldown should be 3 minutes. Move it to the class tree. Make it a 1 minute CD or give it a pulsar mechanic like Balance druids. Stop making us use DRE.


all the real problems with enh and these guys care about spell models…

back to rp realm champs

What a useful post, citing what is actually wrong with the spec (which in PvE is very little).

in pvp most things are wrong

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We are no different in pvp than we’ve always been

Lack of an instant stun
nerfed Healing
Lack of defensives when CC’d

Find a good warrior partner and grind like usual.

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“Real problems” being the things you think are wrong with the spec right? I love enhance right now, it feels great to play. Ascendance looks like a ss. And yeah some players care about aesthetics in an RPG shocking I know.

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Give us some glyph to Ascendance.

Humanoid form inside a huge elemental, like Dathea the Ascended from first DF raid.

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Used to be a thing, it kept us in our base state but with some lightning aura effect.

Got taken out.

I’ve actually had an idea for ascendence for awhile that I wonder if you guys think could work. Enh is at its weakest when it cant melee its target. We have so many tools that can be used at range, and yet, many require melee attacks to fuel them. Ascendence is a powerful answer for this, but it’s extra range is seldom utilized. I believe this is because of its restrictive cooldown. I can think of 1 boss this expansion where vanilla ascendence was a viable option (Razageth). What i want is an Ascendence that can be there when i need.

My idea is to have base ascendance be togglable. Turn it on when you have mechanics to do out of melee range, and turn it off when its done. For every 1 second you remain in Asc, you gain 10 seconds of cd. With this you can plan your ascendence usages across every fight. What ya think?


cries in stormblast

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What about replacing DRE with a 1 min CD/ 6 sec duration casted ascendance so the timing is under the control of the player rather than random?


as long as disarm has the same cd this achieves nothing and is worse than the proc’d alternative

i think that’s not a bad idea. Base ascendance has largely been untouched since its introduction back in MoP. I think it prudent to give it a much needed facelift. Both visually (though I don’t mind its current look, seems a lot of others do) and also mechanically. The CD is simply too long.

Elementalist has made a nice niche for itself that’s really come into its own this patch and that’s great. Though a lot of talent changes have gone a long way to make this happen. Being able to anticipate add phases and save a pwave accordingly feels rewarding.

Something like this is what i want for asc. But instead of adds you’re anticipating it’s moving away from your target. Think of Igira where you’re running out with heartstoppers or soaking a weapon. How nice it could be if you could have a reliable ascendance proc whenever you do these mechs.

I want the range given by asc to be a strength in pve content for enh. Instead of the afterthought its been for over a decade. Also more interesting to me then simply adding extra yards to all our abilities like they did for ret. though I’m jealous they have this, and think range attacks on a melee feels more at home for enh, I don’t want the same thing for us. I want the tool that was given to us years ago for this reason to be made more viable as such.

I think they should just make DRE reduce the cooldown of Ascendance when consuming maelstrom. It makes the spec care about resources, allows you to time your burst when you want it (for the most part), and makes the damage profile more predictable and easier to balance.

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I don’t like ascendance 's form shift anyway because it’s a dead give away to cc me now. DRE is nice because opponents can’t rely on cc because of how often it can proc. I agree tho, it needs to be updated. I think they should have you transform into an elemental for the main element of your spec, that would really be ascendance, not the knock off ethereal.

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