Make dungeon/aoe easier to understand

Dunno, some of the people against it don’t even raid mythic.

They seem to think making this change would put lfr raiders in other peoples raids.

What skills do you personally utilize in M+?

The last time I did an M+ dungeon was close to a year ago. I’m casual as heck.

Was that because of lack of interest or did it become too difficult?

actually this is already in the game in the form of the adventure guid you can open at anytime. it gives you info on every bosses abilities and what they do. in the classic dungeons is more “it does this” but in later dungeons it gives a very detailed description of how to beat every boss.
most players i mention this to dont even know it exists and ive saved my party from wiping multiple times by informing them it exists.
its less about having bad indicaters and more just people being ignorant

Being timed makes me anxious and I don’t like it. That’s the only reason. I never enjoyed timed things in any games I played. If I had to do it I always tried to just get it over with. I’d love to get over that hurdle with SL, as I’m tanking, so we’ll see how that goes.

Yes it can get confusing especially when things you should or shouldn’t stand in have the same or similar color/shape/look so you never really understand what you need to do. People usually automatically go with stand out of which makes mechanics that you need to soak a nightmare since it becomes instinct to do the opposite.

Not everyone wants to spoil themselves, especially if the Raid/Dungeons have heavy story connections during the fight.

That’s what the dungeon journal is for.

As far as colours are concerned the game does do this to a degree, typically with dark/red colour typifying bad, but it does get a bit murky when referring to greens/blues. I think the only really judge for those colours is colour saturation?
Green “poison” typically from experience is a more highly saturated AoE making it clearly visible compared to more transparent effects from things like Efflorescence.

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agreed I’ve been thinking for years that literally all healing AoEffects should be the exact same color regardless of spec.

The amount of times I watched someone run out of my efluorescence or healing rain or stone skin totem is way higher than it should be

While true, Blizzard has been designing raids around players having Addons for many years.

It’s not a new thing.

You see that a lot in normal. In normal dungeons you see people who know there are mechanics they should deal with dealing with them wrong. You see people interrupting the wrong cast because “this mob is casting something, I’d better interrupt” and then their interrupt is on cooldown when the deadly cast comes.

Yes but no addon that babysit you with color codes. Ra-den is the perfect example, as we needed help on the order to handle each mechanic, but it didn’t color the ground where you needed to go.

Again, for anyone that needs that feature there are other games that do it. WoW isn’t one of them. If you can’t be bothered to teach people that do wrong, then stop playing with them, thats it.

I’m not in favor of the OPs proposal, just commenting that Bliz has been designing encounters around add-ons for years. It’s not a new BFA thing or anything.

The dungeon journal lists mechanics with no suggestion how to prioritize or deal with them.

There should be a normal/heroic dungeon mode that does this. A player would have to turn it on for that dungeon, and it would turn itself off at the end of the dungeon. After a few times of running that dungeon they’d get tired of turning it on and wouldn’t need it anymore anyway.

I have more fun figuring out things by myself and creating my own strategies.

If the game tells me where to go and what to do, more than it does already, at that point I will feel that I’m on a roller coaster or a cheap safari trip with no power to do what I want or go where I want.

I usually don’t use addons unless I’m playing on my old laptop with the settings on low.

And that’s why I usually warn people beforehand of my style of play. In fact I wanted to create a classic noob guild to figure out the game by ourselves, but that failed.

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As a tank I don’t like to walk into a dungeon on normal not knowing the route I should be taking. Most videoguides skip that entirely. You can’t walk through a dungeon when it’s live. But actually I think it would help a lot of people if you could disable the dungeon and then be able to poke around in it for a while. Some people learn that way.

Dungeons are absurdibly straight forward in current content. Wailing Caverns, gnomeregan, maraudon and Black Rock were living nightmares for new tanks, and in fact having the ability to navigate these dungeons was a desirable trait on tank, it could open the doors to be the guy to go when groups formed.

The problem is that new players are often tosed with some 1% or gogogo players that get angry because you pulled the wrong pack during a normal dungeon. I have never had a problem tanking dungeons on a fresh new expansion because people understood that I’m figuring out where to go and what the mobs do.

I saved a huge amount of time for people during the encounter with rezan in atal’dazar by telling my group that you could hide behind the staircase to break line of sight and aviod the fear rezan uses. I fear that kind of thinking would be lost if the game just hold your hand.

As soon as it lines up for everyone the boss becomes easier. Sometimes it takes some people longer for it to click than other. I can watch vidoes all day and until I do the encounter a few(or more) times I don’t really see what must be done until it happens to me.

DBM and GTFO pretty much handle this and may as well continue vs spending dev time on it

I also take issue when the devs flip a mechanic, on purpose, and call it a challenge. They are often doing that so you have to not dispell (because this one is “special”) or NOT silence or NOT interrupt, then interrupt the other thing (because, you know, you should always interrupt)… but oh NOT interrupt this one… ugh.

I mean mechanics are there for a skill bar, but the rest of what I pointed out is simply a “simon says” memory challenge, that isn’t skill.