Make dragon soul difficulties work like retail and add a normal mode. (NO LFR)

Hi, as a long time raider. I’m happy with the design of firelands. Normal mode packs a punch and Heroic Mode will test your guilds meddle. Firelands is more difficult than previous teirs and thats a good thing. In no way does Firelands need a nerf.

However my guild is just struggling with Normal mode. Even as the phase nears the end, we frequently have nights where we wipe repeatedly on Shannox and Bethilac normal mode resulting in getting zero bosses down.

Now I want to point out that while we aren’t the best players ever. I truly do like my guild. The peeps I play with are friendly knowledgeable and helpful. They are nothing but an absolutely awesome crew to run with and I want to continue my journey with them going forward.

That said WOW needs to cater to guilds like ours and have an easy mode. I want to point out that LFR is a bad idea. But the design used in retail of having a Normal, Heroic and Mythic is by far the best design blizzard has made.

I think wow should be for all players. Now that we are getting farther into the game, raids that were easy like Molten Core are gone, and bosses are more complex. I like the complex fights more than I like Vanilla raids. But for some of us, we struggle on Firelands normal.

So for people like us can blizzard give us a lower difficulty to get gear and feel like we are making progress and to help us get into the harder content?

Edit: This difficulty would drop the old LFR gear, for those of you that want to collect those appearances.

Thanks for listening.

Dragon Soul does already have a Normal mode. it’s called Normal mode.

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They’re asking for LFR difficulty but are also saying LFR is bad.

Geniune interested to see how this gamble will pay out from this devs. No lfr on mop means there’s no actual incentive for alts unless you’re heavy into the class design and pvp from different povs… other than that it’s already a struggle bus to think how to keep people from playing without alts.

Do the members of your guild not have heroic T11 gear from the inferno dungeon vendor, which makes normal Firelands even more trivial?

I doubt Blizzard will remove LFR in MoP. They have the next six to seven months to fix what they broke in LFR and make it work for MoP. LFR is actually beneficial in MoP as it helps people progress the legendary questline. However, Mythic does not come out until the WoD pre-patch. I doubt that Blizzard will make this change before SoO.

I feel the opposite, the cata normal modes are way way too easy while the heroics are too big a jump from normal, this expansion could really do with a 3rd difficulty in between them

I feel like normal mode does a horrible job preparing you to fight the heroic versions and it makes people who are medium skilled have nowhere to go, you can’t learn anything from normal but you can’t get anywhere in heroic because its a brick wall compared

They could make a… ‘Easy’ mode… same difficulty as LFR, same loot… it’s just that you don’t have a raid finder to join, you would need a pug or a guild. That could be interesting. I would do it with my alters. but tbh, i would join normal LFR with my alters too.

you were too busy plugging your prompt into chatgpt that you didn’t realize you responded to the wrong person

I have a question for you. Why are you doing normal Shannox and not just doing H when H is far easier then Normal.

That’s LFR.

It’s what you’re asking for.

And LFR was apart of that design until The War Within which is the latest expantion.

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Can’t you join LFR with a pre-made 10 man?

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LFR isn’t coming to cata. The devs broke it.