Because this crappy gecko doesn’t want to be an elf.
As long as dracthyr form can get transmog for people who prefer that form.
New here?.
I’d rather they have given us the biggest body for male and the smallest body for female, then given us all the playable races and added scales/horns to 'em…
2 body types are easier to rig armor on than 4…
Yes, so well that this thread has to exist.
EDIT: I am a moron; Chosen Identity was what was turning Visage off.
What is the restrictions and limitations of Dracthyr in Visage/Chosen Identity?
While I stay in Dracthyr form all the time with this character, because I think it just rocks. But I made a Dracthyr Warlock that was supposed to be in his Visage Form to make it “easier” for him to “blend” in with society. But I am disappointed that casting spells brings out his Dracthyr form only to go back to visage when combat ends. Is that the intent? Or is there a way for a Warlock to stay in Visage during combat?
At this point they should either open Evokers up to other races or create the new animations that would be required for permanent visage. The other classes are whatever, other options are available and they still chose Drac so it’s a self inflicted wound. But if you want to play Evoker, you have to be Dracthyr and you have to be in dragon form in combat.
It’s going to continue to be an issue until it’s fixed and it’s honestly kind of non-sensical that it hasn’t been when the best defense of it is “I don’t want to play in visage form, so no one else should have the ability to either”.
No they shouldn’t. Evokers and Dracthyr are fine and make sense the way they are.
No changes should ever happen. People need to learn the lore, stop trying to change a class fantasy and move on.
Yeah, no. I’m going to continue asking for it because I think not having the option is a stupid and arbitrary restriction.
“Lore” can be and has been altered on a whim to fit around gameplay changes and I think that this is one of those times where it needs to take a back seat so that people have the option to play their class without it being tied to a character they hate looking at or having to spend gold/obscenely long toy cooldowns on covering up their character.
And hopefully get ignored by Blizzard. I’m sick and tired of people crapping on Dracthyr and making up stupid scenarios to ruin class fantasy.
It does seem to be a bit buggy especially coming out of soar. I wouldn’t mind just being able to either choose to see the visage on character select and profile or seeing both. I mean how am I supposed to get my mog rated when you can only see belt, weapon and shoulders?
As long as Evoker is tied to dragon form’s goofy aesthetic, it’s going to continue to be an issue that’s raised. Like it or not, it’s an issue because of the lack of other options available. Options which you aren’t forced to use if you don’t want to while still increasing the accessibility of the class.
And this is why none of y’all can be taken seriously. Nor ever will be.
Moving on.
Oh no, someone has a different opinion on a forum. The horror.
I tried making a Dracthyr mage because I love a lot of the visage customizations, but seeing them in the character screen just immediately removed all enthusiasm I had for them every time I was going to log on. They’re one of the most horribly designed MMO races I’ve ever seen, hands down, and I’m always going to be just a little bitter that a class that I enjoy so much is locked behind them when we could have gotten something like Dragonsworn.
I just want Dracthyr form to be able to mog
Well, what is important is that you get what you want, right? Or is it that you getting what you want means everyone can’t get what they want? It seems to me that letting evokers play in visage or as other races wouldn’t keep you from playing the way you do now.
Yeah, so let’s hold a fun class hostage and force people to suffer aesthetics they hate, just so you can feel better about the race. Sounds like a good and correct thing to want.
People are crappy on Dracthyr because they hate the race but love the class. Half the negative emotions comes from forcing players to be a race they find awful to play a class they find fun. Remove that restriction and that ill will goes away.