Make double legendary account wide without rep

No, i’m not going to do mobile game like world quests to grind to revered on my main. I barely can enjoy playing the game just doing the stuff I want to do. Why do I have to do the zerith campaign on my alt to get double legendary. I’m not doing this for a 3rd time the same stupid story quests, and im not grinding rep on my main. I simply am just not gonna play my alt now, gg blizzard.

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Because that’s where the belt comes from. For goodness sake, it’s a legendary item, basically given to us for free.

Talk about a fall in prestige for this class of weapon, when even a few short, easy quests is too much to ask of some people.


I’m talking about alts. I already did it on another alt, I can’t bring myself to waste my time doing it a 3rd time

Took me maybe a couple of hours on an alt to get the belt.

You want something “legendary” for less effort than that?


it isn’t even legendary it’s just a feature of this patch

people with rep should be able to equip a third legendary. in fact, every few months, the number should increase by +1.

One legendary for each shadowlands rep please :slight_smile:

lol you gotsz jokes

honestly, if I’m fully leggo’ed out by the end of SL, i won’t be mad. it’ll certainly make the game fun for a few weeks. maybe in the pre-patch or season 4?

Because it’s a legendary.

I understand people aren’t enjoying the content, but not everything should be account wide.

You could log on everyday and use pocopoc to solve the chest puzzle for you and you will eventually reach revered. Takes about 2 minutes a day.

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LFR is 50 rep per boss too isnt it ?

2 minutes too many

You don’t have to actually

Right, good luck convincing Blizzard of your demands.