Make DoTs Strong Please

Shadow Priest: A Master of Darkness and Decay
Shadow priests, as the dark and mysterious counterparts to holy priests, should excel in inflicting sustained damage. Their abilities should reflect the insidious nature of shadow magic, slowly eroding their targets’ vitality.
Here’s an argument for why Shadow priests should have more potent damage over time (DoT) effects:

  • Thematic Consistency: The concept of shadow magic is inherently linked to decay and corruption. DoT effects align perfectly with this theme, as they represent the slow, inexorable consumption of a target’s life force.
  • Unique Role: While other classes may have DoT abilities, Shadow priests should specialize in them, offering a distinct playstyle that sets them apart. This would make them a valuable asset in raids and dungeons, particularly against bosses with high health pools.
  • Strategic Gameplay: DoT effects require careful planning and execution. Shadow priests would need to consider factors like ability cooldowns, target movement, and the duration of their DoTs to maximize their damage output. This would add a layer of complexity and strategic depth to their gameplay.
  • Rewarding Mastery: By focusing on DoT effects, Shadow priests would be rewarded for their mastery of their class. They could become experts in managing multiple DoTs on multiple targets, dealing consistent damage over time.
    In conclusion, enhancing Shadow priests’ DoT abilities would not only be thematically appropriate but would also provide a unique and rewarding playstyle. By specializing in sustained damage, Shadow priests could become a formidable force in the world of Warcraft.
  1. You literally just want to be an affliction warlock. And I’m not attacking or insulting you for wanting another class to do that, but everything you described is fully aff lock.

  2. Shadow priest are a formidable force in world of Warcraft. They were meta in most of Dragonflight M+ and were great in top end arena.


Afflock is also not a DoT class any longer. I’d play it if it were.

As an aff lock, I can tell you it most definitely is.

Dots pump again in TWW for aff.


Also what does this even mean? You just…keep them up, there’s nothing really too strategic about them lol.

I think you’re RP’ing a bit too hard.

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Tbh I was feeling lazy and asked Gemini to write that for me on a break at work.

Jesus Christ…

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Does malefic rapture still exist?

Yes. But before you use chatgpt to cook up some “gacha,” their dots still hit extremely hard.

Rapture just gives the spec something to do other than put up their dots and….spam drain soul.

How much percentage of someone’s health bar would one UA deal over it’s duration?

Look with all due respect, it sounds like you don’t know all that much about the current game.

Wither via their new hero tree is their strongest dot, and also their easiest to apply.

“How much of someone’s health does UA do” doesn’t even scratch the service of anything. There are so many factors involved in it that it doesn’t mean anything.

Their dots are extremely strong in the war within. Especially in AoE. No point in discussing it further. I play it, and it’s supported by logs.

Edit: I want to also add that it’s pretty bold of you to blanket state “affliction is not a dog class anymore” if you don’t even know the first thing about it. Because it’s definitely is.


Keep telling yourself that. Try casting a single UA on an enemy with no boosts and tell me how much you feel like a DoT class.

The game doesn’t operate on that kind of damage system anymore. You’re thinking of it like classic, where a fireball hits for a 100 and just drops the hp by 100.

There are many more calculations behind the scenes now in retail WoW. For better or worse. Asking how much UA does on its own is a meaningless question because it would never be used independent of the rest of the core dps rotation. The game doesn’t play like that anymore.

Also, Aff is 100% a dot spec. The last one remaining as of now.


Have done so.

I feel like a DoT class.

Maybe I’ll try Aff then! If malefic rapture is half the damage I’ll be extremely disappointed in your representation of the spec though.

This is a TERRIBLE idea. You are describing literally an affliction warlock and we are shadow priest. Mix of dots and direct damage. Besides we are leaning more to the void than shadow so just don’t.


He used an AI bot to make it, dont take anything in that post seriously.

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but seriously im sure my sin rogues rupture damage is more than swp+vt :smiley:

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I laughedddddd


My dots on my Arms warrior do more damage than my SP. We’ve turned into some weird amalgamation recently

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